Monday, December 27, 2010

Quevidios De Niñatas

winner in the draw on December 27, 2010


The winning numbers for Christmas Estepona Business Association, worth $ 1,000 in gift certificates and held Dec. 27 at 11:00 Estepona Radio has been on:

C 0112

And it has given our partner LEISURE CENTRE in its establishment of the C / Luis Buñuel No 5.
The winner has until 21:00 on 28 December 2010 in order to contact our office:
(952 80 12 90 - 689 611 094 - ).
The draw has not been broadcast live on Radio Estepona due to technical problems.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Reformat Compaq Presario V600

winning number in the draw held on December 20, 2010

The winning numbers for Christmas Estepona Business Association, sotado with $ 1,000 in gift certificates and held on December 20 Radio has Estepona at 11:00

B 8540
And our president has given GABRIEL RUBIO, Office Supplies, in their establishment de la C/ Real nº 32
El ganador tiene hasta las 21:00 del día 21 de diciembre de 2010 para ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina: (952 80 12 90 - 689 611 094 - )

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pianist Birthday Cake

DEPARTMENT Continuing the text.

CHAPTER III co-ownership in general.

9 .- General Ideas:
overtook as the ownership is a type of community and is usually defined by saying that "It is the right of ownership over the total of the same thing and each one of its parts have two or more people together. ". Luigi Ferrara
notes on the property, not only the fullest right that can be about one thing but is the most exclusive, and co-ownership comes to be also an exception to the absolutism of property rights, traditionally conceived. Thus, if the domain is unique it may seem that the partnership is eliminated in equal right and equal, however, the institution exists. The first theory behind the idea of \u200b\u200bownership is one that argues that the subject of co-ownership is commonplace, as the right of each of the investors is limited by coexistence of the rights of others, is a reciprocal limitation imposed by the very necessity of its contemperamento limited to the free one does not preclude the freedom of others and the various rights can coexist.
On the other hand, is the theory that the object of ownership is the proportion of ownership is explained here based on an abstraction, namely, the concept of quota. Each of the co-owners is on property owned common share.
The ownership then, whatever the position that we establish to justify it, is a type of community, but one that deals with property rights, as this is shared by two or more people, enjoying them the same law, like nature.

10. Legal basis of ownership.

applicable law, beyond the civil rules outlined generators and has not been uniform in its enactment or less merged into a single text, since its inception has evolved and undergone major changes.
The first law of ownership was Law number 6071, which was published in the Official Gazette on August 16 of year 1937, it was established that of the several floors of a building and the departments or units that were divided each floor, it is possible that these belonged to different owners.
This law is divided into four titles and subjects was general rights of unity and common property, common expenses, and the last title bodies with varying rules on the subject.
This law was incorporated into the general law of planning and construction of 1,953, which fixed the definitive text to Decree 880, 1963. Later
promulgating the decree-Law 458, April 1976.
Furthermore, the Decree Law 602 of August 05, 1974, authorized the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to establish the final text of the Law Building and Construction, which was done through the promulgation of Decree-Law No. 458, this rule would lead then to the general law of planning and construction, the repealing Decree 880 concerning the law of flats as opposed to the new legal body.
Later, the law 18 101, January 1982, on urban land lease, modify the decree with force of law 458 in relation to the reassignment of housing. Meanwhile
Supreme Decree 695, issued on December 22, 1. 971, sets the rules for communities of co-owners of buildings. 16,391
Act created the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and content are functions of the Coordination Secretariat of the Ministry to regulate the communities of co-owners of buildings and determine how to calculate the expenses or common expenses for the administration.

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Dear, I sincerely thank

mails with suggestions and compliments, also appreciates the participation is raising concerns in this way, however the request of the undersigned participation points to the visible, in the blog comments, suggestions, questions, etc. Failure
plasma interaction with you. on the blog I will be forced to leave, occupying part of my time and if no visible feed back the truth is not justified to maintain a space created for you and that reveals not only delivery and reception.


Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Does Xanax Cost In The Street

winning number in the draw held on 13 December 2010 Christmas Campaign

El número ganador del sorteo de Navidad de la Asociación de Empresarios de Estepona, sotado con 1.000 euros en vales de compra y celebrado el 13 de diciembre en Radio Estepona a las 11:00 ha sido el

A 6.081

Y lo ha regalado nuestro socio OFIENVÍOS in Av of Spain, 70
The winner has until 21:00 on December 14, 2010 to contact our office:
(952 80 12 90 - 689 611 094 -
manager @ )

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cervix High Soft Closed

And on and on ............

5.2 of the fee.

A first design is one that argues that the subject of co-ownership is commonplace.
The right of each owner is limited by the coexistence of the rights of others, reciprocal and necessarily so, it imposed by the very necessity of his essence.
A second view holds that the purpose of the fee ownership.
here is part of the idea that ownership is based on an abstract concept, which is the quota. Each of the co-owners is on property owned common share.
Many authors are opposed to this view, as objects Ferrara, pointing out that the notion of quotas in response to a notion as it connotes a fraction, which can not be the subject of a right. The purpose of the law, or at least should be according to the author, is the whole thing and that is clear in all cases where the thing must remain necessarily indivisible. In this regard one might ask what happens to the ownership of a community over its quota, on which it is solely and exclusively, while, on the commons that exist such as in a condominium, the owner is commoner in fee .
We also find the design that distinguishes between practical and ideal quota share, which maintains that there should be no difficulty if we accept that each owner exercises control over an ideal or abstract fee by the percentage that is, half or other portion ideal than the total, here each of the owners exercised their right to enjoy and dispose of the whole thing as it does within the limits that will compete for their share, or put another way, the fee is standard for measurement, while the object of property is the thing in its entirety.
Other authors such as De Ruiggero and Maroi also contribute to the discussion and argue that the traditional theory conceived as a fee subject intellectual ideal, and this would not be truly an individual part of the thing, that as the duration of the community, not takes place the identification of the parties, no settlement as such the object of ownership is therefore a purely conceptual part individualized and specific when it comes to division.
Meanwhile, Ripert Planiol and do not depart from the classical theory that the ownership is a form of private property that distinguishes between the share of a property owner when fully exercised, and the thing itself, considered materially, for which each one of the community can only act with the consent of others.
Butera, brings about the ideal fee, explaining that it is the potential of a common thing, that becomes real with the division. Be specific regarding the condo while it has ceased to exist. 6 .- Convergence

rights and limited rights to the property.

overtook that, unlike what happens in the case of society, the community is not a legal person, it lacks its own assets, common property belonging to the villagers undivided.
not forget that the right of the community over co-ownership or common property must be of the same nature.
community converge in two circumstances, the community member for their share, on which enjoy certain benefits and limit imports the same legal status from the rest of the commoners against the common thing, a situation which involves dealing with problem commoners in relations within the sphere of common thing and its consequences third or exceed its own circumstances. It is, in short, a property right, but with the limitation of the right of the same nature from the rest of the commoners.
As for the right of the villagers in the community, according to Article 2305 Civil Code, we see that the right of each community over the common thing is the same as that of the social partners have, although not It wants the legislature indicate that the community as to its legal nature, be assimilated into society, but that the powers of the villagers will be the same as those enjoyed by partners in the use, enjoyment and management of common property.
Article 2081, shows us the Right to object to acts of administration of the other community members, which states that although most of the villagers agree to perform a particular act, the opposition of one of the community impedes the realization of such an act. The opposition must be made before implementing the act or before it has produced legal effects, it is the ius prohibendi.
The second paragraph of the article cited, establishes the right of each community member to serve for the personal use of the common things, provided that the ordinary use by purpose and without prejudice to the community and the fair use of the other participants. From here you can discard the following limitations on the exercise of this right Usage:
• The thing to be used as regular destination.
• The right to use a villager, is limited by the rights of other stakeholders.
• The application can not be detrimental to the community. For its part, any of the villagers have the right to seek the end of the free enjoy a villager has in common property, unless such enjoyment has a special title for a foundation.
The third paragraph of the article establishes the right to comment on any of the villagers to force others to do also the expenses necessary for the preservation of the thing undivided. This is justified because the improvements needed, that is, for the conservation of the thing, benefit all community members. Be financed together, therefore, the law aims to prevent this rule must make diligent commoner by itself the necessary expenses and then have to be repeated against other community members. The rule does not extend itself to no less useful improvements to voluptuarias.
The number 4 of article 2081 for its part, establishes the right to object to innovations for the common good plan to carry out the other community, this standard on the company only refers to innovations that are intended to do about property however nothing said about the furniture, however, believe that the commoner could be protected under the other authority thereof, particularly a1 st and 2 nd.
As for the administration of the community is governed by the civil procedure code, and this provides that corresponds to the ordinary courts appoint an administrator undivided until the trial has been set partition or when the referee missing splitter or if the trial is made and do not miss the arbitrator shall be the final designation.
For this purpose, summon the parties concerned to a subpoena. By unanimous agreement or by an absolute majority of those present representing at least half of the rights in the community, or by order of the court, may be adopted some or all of the following measures:
• The appointment of one or more administrators, community members or others are strangers
• the fixing of their remuneration and their powers and duties;
• The determination of the rotation to be given to goods common and the spending limit can be done in the administration;
• The time when the manager is accountable to stakeholders.
Regarding the contribution of community members to share the burdens and benefits, the code provides in Article 2309 and 2,310 to be is in proportion to the share of each of them. If the villagers have not explained the scope of each fee, reputed to be the same. This code solution is adopted in similar cases, such as in the articles section 3 º 1,098, 2,367 item 1 (on bail). As for the debts, Article 2306 reiterates the idea that it responds in proportion to the shares.
contrast to the situation of debts incurred by a commoner, not being a legal community, the residents do not represent the community or represent another. Consequently, the debts incurred by a villager in the interest of the community weigh only about the commoner had them. Only he is liable to the creditor, without prejudice to their action the other villagers for a refund of the amount paid (art. 2307, item 1). We distinguish here between the debt obligation (which weighs about the villager who got it) and the contribution to the debt (which weighs upon all community members).
other hand, is the status of debts owed by the community collectively. This is referred to in Article 2307 paragraph 2, of the civil code. Against the creditor, the residents respond in the manner stipulated or jointly if expressly agreed, or last, in the absence of stipulations, in equal parts, ie the debt obligation.
above is without prejudice to the right of each one of the community against the other participants, so that you pay what you have overpaid on the share allotted to him is, contribution to the debt.
Regarding the responsibility of the villagers, according to the code in section 2308, we must understand that community members be liable for ordinary negligence for any damages caused to property and common business. Also, each community because the community what it takes, including the current interest of the common money you have spent on their private businesses. The share of the commoner
insolvent duty on others, and provided in Article 2311, are similar provision regarding the society in Article 2095, with significant difference, namely that the standard of 2311 only refers to relations between the villagers themselves, that is, the benefits will be reciprocal.
In relation to the commoner's right to dispose of its share, as provided in articles 1,812 and 1,320, the transfer may be effected without the consent of the other villagers. Exceptionally, under Article 688, requires a property disposition inherited together.
Moreover, creditors may pursue the debtor commoner fee to its share in the undivided thing.

7.-Birth and origin of the community.
The undivided, as mentioned, can be caused by an event, a contract and a legal text.
The most frequently gives rise to a community is the death of the deceased, which causes hereditary community when two or more heirs.
The undivided stems from a contract if two or more people acquire a common thing for any domain involving transfer title followed by the tradition or the sole owner of property disposes of his domain fee or other transferring it to another person.
undivided Among the cases whose source text of the Act may be cited that of the assets subject to common use in buildings where ownership is divided by floors or departments.
Another case of what are standard in the field of family law situation that occurs at the end of the conjugal partnership or to the invalidity of the putative marriage.
8 .- Duration and term of community causes.
community as to its duration may be temporary or perpetual, as we pointed out that the legislature does not look kindly on the community, whatever their denomination, as it not only causes conflicts between their members, but also undermines the free disposal of assets. That is why, precisely, that the legislature has set the partition or undivided action to end the undivided state, an action that is undeniable, inalienable and absolute.
The temporary communities, which generally are indeterminate in time, may have limited duration under the so-called "pact of undivided", which, by the community legal adversity, is subject to limitations. (Article 1317 Civil Code). Under this agreement the parties agree not to seek the division of the common thing for a specified period, that period can not exceed 5 years, renewable after expiry. If there is no covenant of undivided, under the same article, those interested can call the partition at any time. This provision is an expression of our legislature to reject the ways of undivided.

perpetual communities are established by law, but in general derive from the nature of the thing, such as happens with the common properties of a condo, as long as the property subject to property held in undivided horizontal things that the common law states.
, however, is Article 2312 of the Civil Code where they appear the grounds for termination of the community, even when there are other reasons that also analyze, for the collection of fees for all the villagers in one person, for the destruction the common thing, for the division of the common good for the prescription.
The latter cause of extinction of important community discussion on the doctrine, because it is said that the requirement as a way of acquiring ownership, ending the community, but the question arises whether it is possible for a commoner to acquire for himself the right thing common after having owned exclusively with the requirements to earn it by prescription, it is ordinary or extraordinary, as no one disputed that a third party can win by adverse possession rule of an alien thing. Our authors
not achieve consensus on the issue, then there are different positions. For those operating
prescription, argues that this would occur when one of the community, dissociated from the community, begins to possess with the intention of Mr. and exclusive owner a common good, saying that spirit with unequivocal and concrete facts, without the other parties to rein in the situation through appropriate actions, as might happen with action partition, for example.
Critics say this approach would suffer from lack of clarity, because it does not indicate the time when he split prescribiente commoner and begins to possess its own name. But supporters of the prescription between villagers defend themselves, noting that the time of separation from the commoner prescribiente manifests itself in the first unequivocal and concrete evidences the desire to own their own name versus the rest, which is added, it is necessary that the villagers do not object in time due to the act of prescribiente. Those who refute this thesis
positivist based on the history of the law, in effect, the draft Civil Code, there was a rule that allowed adverse possession between communities, which later was removed, demonstrating that the legislative intent was to prevent prescribing among heirs.
Proponents of this view will come under the purview of Article 1489 of the Civil Code unprecedented project, which provided: "There will be entitled to request partition even if one or more of the co-assigns as sole owners have enjoyed, any portion of the property comprised in the allotment, but were acquired by prescription the exclusive domain of the party. But among those who will always have undivided right to demand partition, this demonstrates the legislature's intention that the villagers enjoyed as owners, to earn the undivided thing by prescription. Article 1317 Civil Code, which contains the partition action considered to have co-ownership and community members who always have the right to seek partition, the community members that have as sole owners, are free of this rule, may acquire by prescription the undivided thing without consummating it, they could direct the action of partition.
Moreover, the contrary view that a commoner can acquire by prescription the domain of the commonplace, is based on the adverse possession requires exclusive possession, and the commoners is not so, since each has in his own name and in the other community members, moreover, that Article 1317 Civil Code states that there will always be right to seek partition, rejecting outright any requirement possible.
also add that, having eliminated the provision allowing prescribing between community, reinforces the fact that the legislature rejected this institution.
Our case law generally does not accept the adverse possession between communities, except for cases where one can wield some degree of exclusive possession. Attending this course, admitted, in opposition to the partition action, except for ordinary or extraordinary acquisitive prescription, according to swell conditions either.
In conclusion, the grounds of legal or contractual term will be, those already identified and these will operate when the partition is by mutual agreement among the community or be merged as the shares in one community member as might happen in the sale of the remainder only one of their quotas or percentages.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Usaa Commissioning Loan 2010

2 nd section, even in the first chapter (a 5.2)

Chapter II: Basics

4 .- Legal nature of the community.

We started pointing in the treatment of community in our legislation, that this is treated as a quasi-contract, without prejudice, as we shall see, there are types of conventional home community. The search for the legal nature of the institution always goes through the definition or analysis of the quota.
Thus, to explain the community has come to a theory known primarily in individual rights issue, like that of the interim. In it, and on the basis that there are a number of subjects that relate to one thing, it concludes that there is a real property right, but it, being conditioned by the plurality of subjects, creates a special situation and interim decay makes the law itself.
Thus, having a gathering of different rights and powers of the same thing, it creates a situation in which each community is holding an equal right to exclusive ownership, but in terms of its exercise is limited by the existence of equal rights to their belonging to others commoners. It is then that, through and in the fee, find the measure of concurrence of rights. It is this theory of property Plurimo total, which is the most followed in this matter, compared mainly to the theories of unification, division, or interim status.
The joint ownership of Henry Capitant say, is a real no doubt right, but different domain. Gives every owner the right to acquire some of the fruit or use of the thing in some cases, intervene in the administration, asking for the partition of the commonplace and to oppose acts of alienation they undertake other joint owners.
Our Civil Code to distinguish two types of community, conventional and incidental, as derived from the voluntary agreement or an event outside the control.
can also define the community for its object, singular or universal, and as may be requested or not the division, regular or forced.
For now we see as the arts. 1,437 and 2,284 civil code, it appears that the quasi-contract, agreeing that this is the title where it is in our code, are conceived as a voluntary, non-conventional and lawful which produces obligations.
The quasi is voluntary and is different from the law as a source of obligations, because these are imposed by law independently of the will people.
But it involves facts however volunteers, quasi not the result of a meeting of minds, as it differs from the contract.
overtook as the quasi classical notion has been strongly criticized by the modern doctrine.
In Roman law and in order to systematize some figures that were neither contract nor crime, was referred to obligations that should be considered as if arising from a contract, quasi ex contractures, or as if arising from a crime-quasi ex delicto.
Among the authors who have made the strongest criticism to the classical notion of quasi-contract, is Planiol, who said:
a) The term quasi suggests the idea of \u200b\u200ban institution similar to the contract, which is almost a contract, whose differences would only be incidental or minor. No such thing happens though: the differences between them are deep set.
This contract represents an agreement of wills, in the quasi absent. In turn, the voluntary agreement in the contract creates obligations and determine its effects. Quasi
In contrast, if the will is involved in some way, not their role to create obligations.
b) denies that the quasi Planiol is a voluntary act, for two reasons:
• Why will not rise to the obligation imposed on the perpetrator of the act;
• Because it is often required who has not expressed its consent in any way.
c) The quasi according Planiol, would not be a lawful act. In fact, all quasi-distinguished, as a common trait, unjust enrichment, and therefore unlawful, unfair. Synthesizing
criticism, it is concluded that the quasi contract is not a voluntary act or a lawful act. It would indeed be a fact involuntary and illegal and engenders obligations have their source in the law, which seeks to remedy unjust enrichment.
The legal nature of the community for part of the doctrine is then a quasi despite criticism doctrinal or straight community contract as will occur in the joint ownership.
It is, however, the clearer analysis of the legal nature of the institution from the standpoint of the rights in contest, for which, it is useful to distinguish whether the community operates only on the domain without regard to other property rights or has application in other of them, he hastens to clarify this code, subject responses contain different provisions, on the usufruct, Article 772 states: "It may be a usufruct in favor of two or more persons, who are simultaneously in equal shares or as determined by the constituent; and may in this case the beneficial owners divide among themselves the enjoyment of any agreement so that they seem good, then we gather the community if it has application in the usufruct Regarding the right of use and habitation, Article 812, provides that "The rights of use and occupancy is up and lose the same way that usufruct", we see that it is possible to establish such a right in rem within the framework of community land rights of pledge and mortgage, as much There is no doctrine of community regard to easements, Article 827 of the Civil Code, which holds burning "Split the dominant estate, each one of the new owners will enjoy the easement, but without increasing the burden of the servient tenement, "from which we conclude that the various subjects, which are according to those who are owners of the dominant estate.
In conclusion, the legal nature of the community is determined by the equal rights in whole, for example, there is no community between the trustee and the trustee, since their rights are opposites, and that while penda the condition is the trust, the trustee is the owner, with the right exposure to extinction if it verifies the fact uncertain future, the trustee for its part, while the condition penda only has to be an expectation, a right eventually.
Entonces, la verdadera comunidad, y que es la única que se considera cuando de ella se habla, es la pro indiviso, la pro diviso no es más que un haz de propiedades concurrentes en un mismo objeto, cuyas partes, constitutivas cada una de un derecho perteneciente exclusivamente a un titular distinto, están unidas o coligadas. Con razón se ha dicho que hasta la expresión “comunidad dividida” es cuestionable por contradictoria, sólo puede tomarse como una enérgica manera de hablar para poner en relieve el régimen jurídico de las propiedades individuales o singulares, dirigido a la creación de vínculos que enlazan o conexionan las singulares posiciones jurídicas.

5. Teorías Explanatory institution.
5.2 of the Community.
Without doubt, the two community types are the most important Roman and Germanic community. Types that although they had any concomitant at first, the different historical evolution of different peoples to separate completely handled. In Germanic law the concept of heritage remained away from the ontological notion of unique and focused individual, probably through the whole family (SIPP), facilitating the economic system itself undivided. By contrast, in Roman law, history marked a move away from family members that led to a weakening attachment to the land, expressed in a largely agricultural economic system, in short, the consortium has evolved to support a priori contradictory figure, who was the community incidental, distinctly individualistic.
For the classical regime is essential to share the idea of \u200b\u200bbounding criterion of the powers available to each community. The admission of the occurrence of various parts ideals or quotas on the common thing is stated, for the first time in Escévola Mucio Fifth, as is affirmed by Paul, Ulpian, Papiniano and Pomponio.
Overall, we see how the classical Roman condo itself as "an individualistic system," in which each owner has, independently, and the ius ius faciendi prohibendi, with the peculiarity that if the former exceeds its normal course can come into conflict with the second, which happened premium as similarly in the right groups, with the collegiality of the judiciary ".
also raises the question of whether the ius prohibendi applies only to acts of material available that affect the nature of the thing or, conversely, also extends to cases of legal provision having effect for the whole property or common property. The answer is that for the latter is required or will elconsensus omnium omnium and therefore invalid the act which sanctions this requirement would reduce the need for prohibitive.
After analyzing the various actions of the homeowners and their consequences that make the legal system of pre-classical and classical condo, we shall briefly the procedural protection of it, also making a distinction between actions brought in solidum and that competition pro part. In the past, the most characteristic is undoubtedly the reivindicatio, exercisable in proportion to the respective share in order to assert the individual right to it. Second, the infectivity damni cautio is presented here as a promise to indemnify, pro, the damage caused. Sabino had already Juliano admitted and the returns. Ulpian and Paul, in turn, invoked the authority of Julian to declare that each owner can not claim more than cautio turn, and conversely, they should not rather than by the same party. Like damni cautio infectivity could be requested by one of the homeowners, also one of the heirs could apply, but only for its part, the cautio legatorum as a pledge to run a legacy.
regard to actions in the classical action of interest is the division of the common thing: the actio communi dividundo that in classical times, seek to remove this purpose. The determination of benefits exchange between the condominium is conditional on the division order. Thus, for the recovery of praestationes, permanent communione, in classical times, is interposed other actions, such as action noxal or the expense, and the actio legis aquiliae, possible when damage was caused to the thing shared by one of its co-owners, the actio corruptio services, also brought by a co-owner who had fallen against the value of the common slave or actio frutti. For their part, African and knew Ulpiano employment actions Locati et conductivity when the investors were shared enjoyment of the common farm, leased for periods of one year.
shape or theory of Germanic community in change is characterized by the existence of portions or shares ideals that make the enjoyment and the specific participation of each of its members on the object, may have each his own and considered as a situation incidental and transient, so that each community may at any time the division (discordiarum mater). By contrast, in the Germanic community what is important is the personal relationship behind them, being the amount the element that determines the inclusion in the community and that probably work as a limit on the internal relations of the members while as expectation of a future state divide. But it does not, unlike the Roman law, a particular legal status of commoner available separately allowing the rest of the community group. The provision requires all (hand property in common) and you can not split an individual action during the subsistence of the personal bond that created the situation in the EU. The type of condo
Germanic, was based on agrarian collectivism exercised in Hufe and whose administration was for the Hausherr. At his death, the community property (Vermögensgemeinschaft) continued among all family members, and homeowners in life the father, so not seen adding to a legacy, but the continued possession of the property.
Finally, the study of the legal regulation of closed condominium with the most significant changes made by post-classical and Justinian rights, even when innovation is difficult to separate between them and the other, since the new condominium concept is the result and pointed to an evolution in the Lower Empire and in particular the judicial reform operated with respect to the action of division. Indeed, the actio communi dividundo will aim not only to operate the partition of the common thing, but regular conflicts incurred in its management. The latter, permanent communione. Similarly, the damage caused by a co-owner of the commonplace can be immediately prosecuted in court, through the communi dividundo, filed in the state of undivided.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Installing Closet Bracket

ESA recommendations

This year, instead of a single lot of 6,000 euros, will make four draws, one per week each with a prize of 1,000 euros, accumulated the following in the event that the carrier does not appear on the ballot winner. That is, if the first week does not appear the winner in the draw for the second week the prize will be 2,000 euros and so on until the last week in which the prize is $ 4,000 if they have not emerged the winners of previous drawings.
The winner of each prize will have to appear at the latest, the day after the lottery and spend the prize within seven days, which meant that the money is spent well over Christmas, a period in which everyone has something to buy.
prizes, as always, will be given in vouchers to redeem on the premises of our partners.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Does Memory Foam Mildew

goes 1 of 3 parts of Chapter I

Chapter I General.

1 .- Concept:

The word community comes from the Latin term communitas. The concept refers to the common quality, so you can define different types of sets, for example, people who are part of a town, region or nation, nations that are united by political and economic arrangements (such as the European Community or Mercosur), or of people linked by common interests (such as the Catholic community). According to its dictionary definition, community is group of people who live together under certain rules or have the same interests or characteristics.
In this regard, simply gather a certain number of people around an idea, belief, territorial spaces or something that will be shared by diverse and numerous possible causes, one of which originates precisely from the right and is and has been treated as a private institution called half quasi if not an agreement between its participants will, upon will instead would be facing a contract and in this case there are chances of finding various types, such as gender and community referrals as a species. Among the types of community are commercial or civil societies in the field of law or joint, as a kind of community, in both cases half as long, of minds, instead a hereditary community requires the occurrence of a Indeed, what is your death, without any of the intention of the Communards to their birth.
on legal matters, according to Professor Pesci Vargas, the community is "the plurality of subjects that are both holders of the same right and that it falls on a one and the same thing. "
has, however, legal definition, this is found in Article 2304 of the Civil Code, following Pothier, provides: "The community is a universal or singular thing, between two or more people without any of them has contracted company or held another convention on the same thing, is a kind of quasi "definition discussed that do not pay any concept of community, but refers to its legal nature, but that gives us an important fact, which is the existence of rights two or more people on the same thing, without involving his will, if the right is the domain plural subject, takes the name of joint or condo, demonstrating the relationship between gender and species.
For the existence of community is then required to participate at the same time several people as holders of ownership rights, which they may be natural persons or legal entities, which lies on one and the same thing, which can be universal or singular. This clarifies that community can not exist if people own specific parts of a thing, as for example with "The land adjacent to a farm typical of one spouse, and acquired by him during the marriage to any title that then communicated under Article 1725, means to belong to society, except with him and the old farm has formed an estate or building that recently acquired land can not be broken without harm, for then the society and the spouse are joint owners of all proportion to the respective values \u200b\u200bat the time of incorporation, such as provided in Article 1728 of the Civil Code.
However, as discussed below, the law of ownership is created an interesting duality, which is exclusive ownership of unity and community spaces and common property. The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunity
involves limiting participate with each other, in the sense that they each have the same one right on the same common good, limited by compete their right to participate equally in the community, hence generated special obligations that harmonize the very existence of community among them.

2 .- Treatment in Chilean legislation.

legislation in our community is in Book IV, title XXXIV, "On quasi" civil code, title matters that already discussed in the literature, and defined as those institutions that generate or create obligations, a kind of quasi contract, subject to find on other provisions that also refer to special cases of community, as for example in the community is the dissolution of the conjugal union. There are also more standards to hereditary community purpose. For its part, the Code of Commerce is possible to find rules on the ownership of ships, and expressed in Article 837 which states that "The ownership of vessels is not a company but a community that is governed by the rules of law common. "
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may note that there are types of community that if half will among members and others in which there is not, then we must say that the community can be either contractual or tort, in fact, may be born without there is some agreement among the community, as in the case of several people inherit the same cause or acquire several legatees the same thing. Here was the intention of the legislature or the cause which has given rise to the community.
community also can arise from a contract, not a "community contract" but an agreement or contract that the parties in possession of a thing. For example, many people buy a specific asset, or to acquire a person's share of a commoner, or to be agreed between the spouses separate property and not to liquidate the assets acquired during the term of the conjugal union.
Unlike what happens in the case of society as a contract itself, the community is not a legal person, lacks its own assets, common property belonging to the villagers undivided.
We must keep in mind that the right of the community over co-ownership or common property must be of the same nature, or all owners or beneficial owners, therefore, there is no community between the knot and the beneficial owner, because their rights are different nature, even as they fall on the same thing.
In turn, as the right of the commoners of the same nature, its exercise is limited by the rights of other stakeholders. There
art. 2305 civil code, the right of each community over the common thing is the same as that of the social partners have. This not meant to indicate the legislature the community, as to their legal nature, be assimilated into society, but that the powers of the villagers will be the same as those enjoyed by partners in the use, enjoyment and management of common property.
Our code follows the outline of the Roman community, here, each of the investors has been granted a share in the shared law, are free to adopt appropriate arrangements to regulate the situation of joint ownership. They can even determine the ownership is extinguished by dividing the common thing, is conceived as a temporary situation. Other laws exist
choice between other co-ownership schemes, as for example in English, which allows the co-owners to regulate their status according to the organizational system of the Germanic community, characterized by the absence of quotas, so it is not possible to exercise the division for the co-owners, in this sense the situation is treated as common goods into the condominium. Another feature of this system is that the investors are joined by a familiar character personal bond that is earlier than the situation of joint ownership so that is subordinate to the bond between them is considered a permanent and very stable because property equity share are attributed substrate the family group, as there are no quotas, there is no possibility that each owner can dispose of or sell your position in the community.
Joint ownership is a type of community or special property because it juxtaposes two kinds of ownership: exclusive or exclusive ownership of each of the owners of the flats or units and common ownership or ownership of the common elements of the building. Hence we must consider the matter from the standpoint of individual owner for his unit, where law applies to the general rule governed by general civil rules and the right of the owner of the commons, where he has applied more clear according to the principle of specialty, the law of real estate ownership.

3 .- Limitations and advantages.

The complexity of domain deliver the same thing to several people necessarily create room for potential conflicts between the villagers, Solar Light enlightens us on the issue saying "The man did not stick to one thing and not the absolute master, not cultivated Carefully, lovingly, the land that has, if not his; the common things they leave indifferent or slightly less. "
We therefore conclude that the community does not obey the general interest but of the villagers according to their own interests, this goes against the general principle of free movement of goods, maximum preventing the legislature seeks to prevent permanent undivided states, like the prohibition of successive usufruct, undivided pacts wherein establishing a maximum, etc.
Regarding profits, we can establish that the ownership meets a social need, population growth and the special forms of housing have required special protection from the legislature, who, seeking a special status of this form of community has created a special regime which is characterized precisely by the convergence of individual and collective rights that tend to stay in time, received a special form of termination, other to the community.

Next week continued.

Instead Of Buying Air Duster

Better late .... Brief

Dear all, sorry

time off, try to compensate gradually publish a complete work on real estate ownership, retroactive asked to motivate this humile server, I would welcome comments on the articles and also the ever- welcome consultations, which repond as soon as I possible, by a matter of time.

greetings. Brief

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Can I Get Phlegm Out Of Baby's Throat

My friend almost Sacher-Masoch Montero

imagine that once the best way to find out what life was like a rural physician at the time of Balzac, or of an adulteress at the time of Flaubert, Balzac was read or Flauvert. Perhaps, long ago, among the strips of pay that writer was to tell stories, to explain what others ignore. I would argue that the lengthy and detailed portraits of the physical and mental landscapes of the contexts and characters Proust responded to the writer's certainty in his orbs burguesiles inaccessible to the ordinary reader. So maybe there was a time that made sense to tell a story, or a jácara gossip, and even write a novel. It happens that in this century sees us, which are stories abound. All are stories, everyone has one, or two, or three ... Stories can also be illustrated with photographs, maps, maps, certificates, medical reports, clinical reports, invoices, performances, dances, songs and various materials, and now with the digital book-long story. But all these stories, information and investigations are unnecessary, and unnecessary is that literature itself is so because the reader already has all that information, the reader has already been there, seen that and I thought in that other. At this very moment the novel must shed its documentary role, and even psychological, Céline released anew the question that he himself took care to answer: What is left to literature? Not much, if anything like that.

not little bread crumb style that thing, or minor issue to be taken in jest. I guess the style or learning or copying, or pretends not invented ... or have or not have and certainly will not be acquired in any case ... Bruno, Baldea or tray. And will be assumed to chivalry and elegance that we all have our stories, but the style, which means Céline's style is a thing of Montero Glez.

Céline added that style appears once every century therefore there is only one chance encounter one. Something like Halley's comet, passed on this side in 1986 when I was 9 years and voverá not happen until 28 july, 2061, when I already will be cops or the hole. I missed it, like almost everyone. And look what I had told my cousin Wenceslas I could not lose because there would be no repetition or VHS video, or play it again Sam were worth, no possibility that the universe bends to my whim and repeat the phenomenon, to the dismay of the small child lenguareta the member of a generation and Mountaineer, communing with the holy trinity of Bruce Lee, and Samantha Fox Arrocet Mustache, a generation that, as I said before, only gave him for looking to the sky when he drank from the jug, or when booted by Antonio Molina.

At this point, I find that I digressions and I have to Celine, the comet Halley and Montero Glez dance. To finish spinning all this discord should I add to my brother. And that was my brother who I became aware of the arrival of another kind of kite when he said, "Leete, it is very great, and best of all, the author is English, and is alive! -. The relevant thing of all authors vividly why we read at that time were killed. Anyway, I opened the first page, and reading the first sentence I heard about the advent of style. Gave witness to this matrix the ecumenical tide that broke in my skull when I read that that Charolito only trust his cock the only thing in the world could never give up the ass. Scientifically analyzed the rest of the book, sentence by sentence, seeking unsuccessfully to articulate the method that concatenation of words and ejaculations polymorphic plastic. Then I began to write jokes imitating his style, until I pretended it was him who I was imitating me and let me talk about my plagiarist Montero preferred. And now, just remember the words of my brother when I said ... "and best of all, is English and is alive" ... as if that were to be alive to do so closer, more accessible, as if inevitably that unites us and force us to coffee and cigarettes. Yes, Montero Glez is alive and well, for several days, with facebook, it is my near friend.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Watch Family Guy On Ipad

Manual safety in retail Andalusian Press Release

It is a verifiable fact that the negative current economic situation has caused a considerable increase in theft, robbery and criminal acts during the past year 2009, with particular impact on commercial establishments in Andalusia.
So much so, that the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia has been included in the Social Partnership Agreement VII of Andalusia, actions aimed at increasing the quality and safety in business premises, which will translate into the new Comprehensive Development Plan Internal Trade in Andalusia, as one of the main lines action.
Also, in a bipartisan manner the CEA also maintains a close cooperation with the Directorate General for Trade, to be implemented through successive cooperation agreements include specific programs and actions promoting business sector leadership Andalusia. In this regard, the program of activities of the collaboration agreement signed on 8 June 2009 included an activity consisting in producing a "Manual Recommendations for Security in Andaluces Shops" in order to minimize adverse effects on trade is having an increase in criminal activity as a result of the crisis market in which we are engaged, among other notable causes.
Get the on-line manual

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blu-ray Non Dts Master Receiver

Long live death

much more inflamed him more FETEN culamen saw the living.

Maybe it was Gilles Deleuze who has best known how to make a coherent reading of the entire work Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and illustrate the subtle psychological and philosophical implications of his outlaw fantasy, disarming terminological monstrosity that is the demarcation sado-masochist. And while certainly ineffective union of these two antagonistic terms does justice to neither literary proposals, too quickly Freudian dialectics and figuration of a great unity of opposites is understood that early enough to transfigure the signs and turn drives to obtain from Sade Masoch. Freud, sadistic by genital pusillanimity of their immaturity, have polished on the faces of the same coin the two perversions, sadism An intuitively as the fundamental emanación perversa motora (por ser esta de la que él mismo participaba) y relegando el masoquismo a una posición subsidaria en su dialéctica pisoanalítica. Esta trasnochada dialéctica de entidades contrarias resultó muy perjudicial para Masoch, que fue abocado a la simple complementariedad y al injusto olvido que no sufrió jamás Sade.

Un sádico huye con un tresillo

Los sabios de la Edad Media distinguían, con profundidad, dos clases de diabolismo, o dos perversiones fundamentales: una por posesión y la otra por pacto de alianza. Así, the sadistic think in terms of possession instituted, and the masochist in tems of the alliance collapsed. Since possession is madness own sadism and the compact, masochism, not surprisingly found from a plethora of speeches Sade demonstration, communication, instances, warnings, cautions and warnings to institutional structure, while the contracts are common Masoch slavery, covenants, conveniences, collusion and other contractual niceties. In short, the violence of the irrefutable demonstration against the convenience of the speculative suggestion. But enough of mourners philosophaster tricks and tackle the issue through sincere and powerful tools they find in the sacro joke, the joke and freaky secular Chilindrina all three corners of random trident is this unnecessary blog:

Amez moi!

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch had a special relationship with the historiology of rock and roll, and not just because his masterpiece tocayice with that great song from the Velvet entitled Venus in furs, but also as direct ancestor through the maternal line of femme fatale that half of enfants chearleeader half it was Marianne Faithfull, handsome face muse inspiration of the whole seventies song that includes the name Mary. Masoch, however, has this particular phenotype of an inverted pyramid, where a bulging forehead dominates the other facial features, gradient shrinking to a nearly impossible jaw, which is a metaphor for the reduced vital greed so prevalent in this strange genre of prose writers pávido inflamed brain and mind. Have had little greed for power who both enjoy in life being, rather than predator, prey flayed by the whip and heel of Venus always wrapped jackets fur garments. More than once you'll hear whining beggar as he did in his last lament that the "Amez moi."

Masoch, is a unique species that runs parallel to the martyrdom of saints and heroes of the cross. Look for the punishment that sanctifies the impulse of desire contravened by the purge of the deposition, in a recreation of the divine. Unable to find something that exceeds his moral nature, his ideal dream leads him to stoop ad infinitum to find pleasure in the distance to your particular etoile. Unable to find something at the top, sinks to recover at least the sacred perspective sought by all who raise our view of golden drink, eat or appreciate calçots human castles. The difference is that the recovery of the sacral approach is based Masoch in the quadrupedal kneel and lick boots in the others, heading holy author is that in no way contradicts the interpretation of the ultimate motivation of their procedures. At the age of ten years and was an ideal Masoch. The boy had languished for a distant cousin of his father, let's call her Countess Zenobia, which will redden the whip anew culamen through. The more you kindled more attractive buttocks was her aunt, who came to seem the most beautiful and at the same time the most gallant of all women in the county. With a childhood and is understood almost everything. But not understand certain things amaze:

Wanda Sacher-Masoch
explains the surprise he felt when he noticed the void of her husband's hobby by a sadistic friend, to the inverse of what is believed by neophytes, so seen the sub does not aspire to be possessed by a sadistic nature. What they want really is to build a nature education and persuasion according to their most secret project, a project to fail completely before a cruel nature: the ideal elevation of a deity. What happens to the ruler? Is the victim of this racket, as it is obliged to exercise their role in total control its undervalued personality ecstasy is dedicated entirely another. It is at that time when women want to escape Masoch dominate aware of the danger of their situation, and rightly so when they discover with horror that the contract he signed in which Masoch is offered as a slave is actually a contract that legally required to exercise love. Then dominated perceive clearly that has robbed the voice, the expression of the desire of the other has dominated the manifestation of violence itself, which they believed to be the hammer has become the anvil, the hunter has been hunted , and resonate the most enigmatic of Saccharomyces words when referring to any of their women-goddesses were strong enough to undertake the project secret.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Many Calories Are In Smithfielfs

White and cylinder

"Among the killed and she died alone"

If the illustrious Mr. Gianni Vattimo thinks that we have lost the notion of Actually, it sounds good, we all know that there are as many opinions that ass (the truth is that I think this is not entirely true, since 6,697,254,041 opinions can have sex, I would say, one person as the subject of which we speak). For him it is imperative bad loss, I suppose, by the amount of unknown possibilities that open meeting of this statement so revolutionary, but I love Italian philosopher to ask if he really knows how to use an iPod or gives the wii . As I do not expect an answer, I give to myself, no, Gianni does not deal with these aparatejos. The death of God was the first major death in the history of philosophy, following it, have fallen one after another in history, art ... and now I guess also the reality. Only deduce one thing from this: philosophers are murderers in the pay of the illustrious philosophical notions long established. What bothers us anything? Well we killed him.
would have no problem in killing certain disciplines that exist in the faculties of Philosophy and, meeting no more than smoke. But as there is if it comes before the chicken or the egg, I have my doubts about whether to kill the disciplines themselves, or those who teach. Because if God is dead, "What's all that stuff of metaphysics and finding the first principle of all things? It is clear that what I discuss here is just what many others already have said, for example, that if a philosophical discipline such as philosophy of mind does not maintain a relationship with neuroscience interdisciplinarity and anthropology, all we get from all this black smoke and polluted.

not advocate anything. Every time I have less say about the huge amount of things that happen in the world. Our mind is not prepared to go to a company that goes faster than it. I guess for those versed in the subject would be even unnecessary to say that this problem lies in the super-to which we have had to be productive and effective. And here is where the kill: Philosophy does not specialize in absolutely none of the things of this world. It's like a Christ on the Cross warning that the world is not of this world and being así...¿Para qué quiero yo saber nada acerca de algo que no es real? Efectivamente, Señor Gianni: hemos perdido la noción de realidad porque nos hemos alejado de las cosas que nos vienen dadas, que nos rodean, que nos facilitan o que nos complican la vida. Métase a Second Life y hágase un avatar a su medida, como más le guste. Pero deje de esconderse tras el velo de la ignorancia y de leer textos de otros autores para generar otros textos. Hace tiempo ya le pillamos el truco, Sr. Filosofastro del tres al cuarto: el único mérito que tienen sus obras son los títulos, a los que algunos tachan de provocativos. Lo que hay dentro de ellos es infumable hasta en papel de biblia. ¿Que no cree en la biblia? Ni lo se ni me among other things matter because my fierce criticism, although that is directed to you, is directed toward many other leeches, many other parasites of dusty books who believe that get a verse of Parmenides colacción light on the poor will minds of those who have not yet practiced sapere aude. Let nonsense and watch the news, come to the asylums into metallurgy, sailing the seas, a walk to the park closer to home ... whatever, but I ask you please just human love, which never explained to a beggar of those who sleep late in the CCCB (in case you do not know, is a super museum progress of Barcelona) that we lost track of reality.
I suggest also that occasional chat with a child or two or three, draw with them, allowing them to be told how to see the world. Only in this way will we stop listening to nonsense.

Very angry,

The Deli

How To Make My Hair Less Poofy Guy

; ; "Actimel not produce for other brands "

Today I walked down the street back home after a day that if I had my way we could cross off empty and nonexistent. While waiting for a green traffic light put in, I saw a sticker on the doll of the same color, one that tells us that since no car, if not skip the rules of the road, overwhelm us, run over or crushed under wheels. The oddest thing about this, that in itself has no interest has been the message of the sticker above. Dealt with such limited content so "aquet ad is sexist." No tengo muy claro si me ha hecho gracia o me ha enfadado. El caso es, que tras haber cruzado ya el paso de peatones, he comenzado a divagar. Primero: no se si con la palabra anuncio se referían a una anunciación o a un spot publicitario. Como suelo subestimar (muy a mi pesar) a toda la peña que produce esas pegatinas subvencionadas a base de calimochos, he pensado en lo segundo. Tras eso, y sin darle mayor importancia a la confusión o posible error semántico, se ha abierto en mi mente un abanico de posibilidades más bien acotaditas: ¿A qué se refieren con que el muñequito es sexista? ¿A que lleva pantalón en vez de falda? Ipso facto me he quitado esa idea de la cabeza puesto que I thought that any good feminist who is third, would not like to re-submit to the woman in skirt and pigtails (although in fact many women wearing it, and with women I am referring also to the subset of feminists). I guess then, because I have no other alternative, which is claiming that the doll was made about breast implants, which generated another controversy me mental: Do women differ from men us because we have breasts and they penis ? Do not know if they would agree with this either and, even if it were ... What size would the above implant? If you saliesen green doll tits'd expect they were of a standard size ... But they also do not fight against this use (standard, fascists, we are all different)? would be a 90? If I were a size 90, using a 85 identified not feel the same way they would be identified nor those having a larger size. If the doll's breasts were small green, feminists would hoist the flag of femininity and would remove the breasts to avoid social conformity over extreme thinness of the models or actresses on TV. But if the doll luciese a size 120 also would be a "sexist advertising" in the looks of it, few of us what we look like Pamela Anderson meat. I'm upset ... What should I do to avoid being sexist? Anyway, I've never seen the doll have package. I find it quite androgynous could be done while respecting each complex.
But still not even stop. A horde of angry feminists have spoken out against the proposal (obvious and natural) of WHO, it says that breast milk (ie, that women produce during the period of lactation of the baby she has decided to take) is as healthy for the baby. That never any substitute for cow's milk may transmit human defenses the baby, among other things, because cows are cows and humans, human. In a normal world, the female nursing her calf is no longer the thing if more beautiful or more binding, but the most correct action in this way while you are giving life insurance to your samophlange. And here we return to the issue of light doll. If now, for feminists, the breasts are something to keep and no one has the right to bite the nipples unless it is a man with clear ideas on the liberation of women ... are the stuff of the breasts female nature or are just a body of enjoyment? To me, the truth is that I do not care what they say four broody hens that have come together to speak of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy that are being submitted for nothing more, nothing less than the World Health Organization. What I do is ask one thing: themselves, and voluntarily, the tubes are linked in protest. And all fixed.

Very angry,

The Del

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Logitech Webcam Positioning

In this day has been sent to the media the following statement:
La's board ESA wants to make known their views on the proposals, which are gradually becoming known, Estepona People's Party ahead of the upcoming elections.

What you really need the small and medium business customers Estepona are .

will be very well increase the safety and cleanliness, to beautify the Mall Open, to improve accessibility to the implant center that once and for all the services directive from the EC to avoid paying entrepreneurs open rates and unfair change of ownership they are paying now; but really, what is needed in Estepona, is an influx of people, a goal that would be met from the session working on projects that will attract more people to live permanently in our area and promoting tourism off-season with other offers different the sun and the beach, typical of summer.
With regard to the maintenance of the companies we already have and with the objective of fostering job creation and prevent the closure, no would be more than the council, not just freeze the fees currently imposed on traders, if not to revise downward the Business Tax or Property Tax currently well above what is paid in many the larger cities of Spain and provided enhanced the various delegations of the funds needed cash so that they could buy and pay within a reasonable time in Estepona companies.
also wise to thoroughly review and improve municipal legislation on issues such as the occupation of public roads and recreational activities on the streets of our town, legislation in many sometimes prevents local businesses make efforts to increase the number of people in their environment, activities, moreover, promote and organize the City Council.
We have many years demanding the establishment of hotels in the city center, hotels of 3 or 4 stars, those visitors staying dedicated to walking in the environment and to consume and buy in small downtown businesses. In this regard, the proposal to create a green lung in the grounds of the Agricultural Cooperative does not seem a sensible proposal to achieve this goal, we think it right nor to promote the creation of a shopping center size projected the only thing that is going to get downtown shopping desertification, as has been seen to have led to other similar shopping centers nearby. Yes it would be wise, however, promote the creation of a leisure center with variety and quality, smaller size and located in the town.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Southpark Keeps Buffering


Today, capsized by grief and sorrow that has brought me the news that in certain schools of philosophy master them governess of the illustrious subjects philosophy of language and theory of knowledge or tame the tongue or show possession of knowledge any, have been cherished by the remembrance of those distinguished teachers of yesteryear who themselves were cognizant of the responsibility that entailed the exercise of their profession: the transmission of knowledge and the cultivation of the venerable minds of those shining young amateurs who were few available did the deceased and the BUP and COU.

A professor of, say, geology would have preferred to burn at the stake inquisitorial of pedagogical reform gogos heroes before oligophrenic commune with theories on the economics of language and admit the existence of "stones" . And we all know that the word stone is negligible because it is imprecise, and replaceable always more refined and subtle voices and singing, china, gravel, stone, meteorite, rocks, gravel, jaw, gravel, or boulder droll. It is not the same as a thing reaches you head to the extent you another, nor is it the same to be established as a foundation stone of a church so as a first comical, or as the first pebble (the latter would have changed history Western). In the same way, is not the same thing to climb mountains, illiterate and self-pompous nerd who traced hills, climbing hills, perched hills, climbing buttes, crowning hillocks, mounds elevate, raise mountains, hillsides bid or face more bumps-occupations Bachelors precious and proper and sound much more epic.

Someone might think, wrongly, that this instruction on the relevance of the precise use of language that we enjoy the 77 is the reason why none of us was surprised at that kind of nuclear physics, that teacher remained silent for 20 minutes in front of your audience while searching indefatigably the exact adjective, the invocation accurate, Melica word that best described plots and those mysterious and uniquely fundamental particles known quarks. The real reason no one laughed in my class when, after minutes of throat-clearing, puckering of frowns, walks nervous and spitting the professor raised his finger in admonition eurekastica and said: "I have it! quarks are .... SMALL "is that this story never happened in my class, but kind of my former boss. La Delicias was responsible for reminding me the other day, rhapsody all of it, stating that neither garlic is repeated so often and change as my nonsense, and my forgetfulness episodial had led me to tell the same story for the umpteenth time with the same story, but with characters changing. And the question I raise now from this unnecessary blog is: Does it some matter who stars in a story when the story is in itself revealing and uplifting beyond its dramatis personae? Can anyone say that I lied to appropriating an experience of my head without first ensure that my boss is another treacherous usurper?

I humbly believe that everyone has a cousin who has a neighbor whose brother knows a Mr. Smith to that one day something happened. When news of what happened to the protagonist of this dark lord input is transmitted by word of mouth, we note with selflessness that although the best, the narrative event in question has remained pristine, the number of persons acting without any significance in the history displayed in the preamble has increased immeasurably. The old Mr. Smith, the protagonist of a story, has become a master dark and blurred, known as "the grandfather's brother's neighbor who took care of the sister of the girlfriend of a friend of the bartender in that bar that is usually the brother of the guy who is half Tolain "to anyone, and I mean nobody, knows. That is, has lost any possibility of identity. Why not make up for the existence of a cousin, called my cousin, who star in all the stories and whose identity has not moved in the chain of transmission of the message? Mr. Perez will care so little My Cousin theft as the theft of that other cenaoscuras grandfather is a cousin of the waiter .... etc with whom he should feel nothing in the end identificado.Y out any of my cousins, or any of yours, I care a damn blessed him to go out there telling them. In my particular case the deal I have with my cousins \u200b\u200bis so scarce as I have with Mr. Smith ... and I think this privileged moment I contemplated that precisely this should explain the etymology of the word first: things that have happened My Cousin.

Camillus Cuda Maxx For Sale

TECNIA PROJECTS ANDALUCIA, SL responsible for designing and managing the reconstruction of Monte Viñas (Manilva)

Estepona The company and partner of the ESA, technical PROJECTS ANDALUCIA, SL informs that under the technical direction just started the work to consolidate and reform of urbanization VINEYARDS MONTE Manilva, partially dislodged the problems of collapse.
Last winter's storms caused landslides that resulted in damage to roads and homes, having to leave many of them and prevent access to the east of the Monte Viñas.
The works are divided into several phases: demolition of the affected special foundations to prevent further shifting of land, construction of a new road and alterations to houses affected.
The period of execution of the works is estimated at 6 months, with completion scheduled for February 2011. The estimated budget is more than a million euros.
This work is funded by the Insurance Compensation Consortium and the successful management damage was achieved by the Agency López ( ), also in Estepona and a member of the ESA.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is I Chi From Jcpennys A Real Chi


July 21 a. 356 C a fiery goat herder-turned-arsonist carbonized the majesty of the temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, with the sole purpose of achieving in rectum vias the pantheon of celebrities, fire and cabronerío through. His name has come perturbed to another such absurd conditions such esteemed in academic circles of psychology Herostratus complex disorder, according to the project which seeks to intervene, appear, be distinguished and, ultimately, be the center of attention at all costs.

The current and many classmates are blight and wood EROSTRATO his ardor in the huts that are popular in modern cybernetics attempts. Just walk around terrified Facebook to toe with the fatwas of its users and the cabronerío of the dispute is happening anew: to say that everyone has the biggest pyre and affinity bitch. If fans of the network Bonfires are not just punishment for their impertinence EROSTRATO is simply because the culture of chichinabo assists us no longer builds temples to Diana that can burn with such figures. But not only in the network, also in universities, clubs, places of work - and to societies artisticoteatrofaranduleros-Herostratus evil spreads fast as fire.

At the opposite of this evil act so commonly practiced today is the libido nescire , a passion for anonymity of the Stoics, that in cases-read Salinger-becomes obsession. The afflicted by this passion, unlike the sort of affable arsonists erastróticos already described above, no trace or imprompta crave some on their way through the mundane scenarios. And what kind of living goes without a trace on the soil that is home to demonstrate its elegance, discretion and supremacy over other vegetable kingdom but the kingdom? There are cases, such as Rimbaud, in which after a brief stint in the fires of hell for appearance, one passes to base its existence in excel to focus its future on the run and disguise (even if it means to flee to Abyssinia, arms trafficking and / or move the legs pumpkins cancer).

But back to the topic at hand, the superiority of the plant kingdom of the animal kingdom. To demonstrate this epiphany diamond must necessarily resort to Javi, characterized for the occasion of the late Nick Molisse macaroni, who shows us the truth of his maieutics fixture on a picnic.

-Observe the environment and respond carefully to see.
-...¿ Plants?
- Yes, but what kind of plants?
- Em ... Ferns?
- You are right, but not as important as what you see is what you do not see, and what do you not see fools?
- um .... this ... Dinosaurs?
- There have spoken with wisdom and relevance. Perhaps I should remind you that the extinct dinosaurs were once lively contemporary of ferns, prehistoric, whose presence and quiet work shows the efficacy of the plant''to'': Amparo ever the stoic, almost Buddhist, principle that There is nothing that doing nothing is not settled at all. And now you Armatostenes reflects on the reason for your next promotion and salary increase relevance. Has not been your expertise to make the plant that is sitting in a pedestrian street which marmolillo doing absolutely nothing for years, the reason for the high regard that you enjoy not only among the heroes of the laborious, but also and more important and worthwhile from the side of the sisters and in-laws? Your blessed immobility templa made you part of the scenery pleasant and familiar with the others enjoy. Who could ignore and belittle the harmless innocent who has decided to make the plant? Who does not decorate your life with a plant?

And certainly the visionary badiense reminds us that animals, as people flock to his daily pittance docile and, except for cats, are all usceptibles trainer, able to sell his grandmother for a plate of beans and make the most absurd and improbable stunts for the prize of a touch, while the proud dignity of plants require their food makes them quietly, preferring to die rather than get up and leave your pot in water after which the light is the sole breadwinner for his elegant photosynthesize. I hope that after this post, start to be more common plants and talks triumphal attitudes like:

"" I have raised the salary
- How do you get it?
"I made the plant"


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dog Had Large Squishy Lump

plant gastro-etymological meaning of the phrase "I'm dying of laughter"

Galiardo meditates on the third deposition

Not long ago, listened to the exalted Lord Galiardo guess about the best way to avoid fecal impaction and chronic constipation. He claimed that since he understood that he was only a cog in the great cause-effect enter the world, the universe and all its components thus had been left behind "in the past that he has never been better - to some minds violators called psychologists. The disaffection with his ego, which occurred by then, was on a purely physical that had nothing to do with psychological therapy and neural adjustments: the calm brought by the great understanding he sought the supernatural and the sublime pleasure of staying up late to the rate of three bowel movements per day before the Roca Victoria reverential throne.
translate: Pounds of tyranny that is the self to self and the ego or personality to the other, the gallant Galiardo began to purify water and fertilize the fields in harmony ... we feel that its absolute understanding of the world is dominated opened one eye that never sees the theater or (if) g (u) ine.

as great actor he is, says the speech in the theater is what defines good character. I've never seen Galiardo act because the moment the theater is too expensive for the lumpen-proletariat, but I know for a fact that this man brings to life characters with only unexpected supply the voice, which is why I have I begun to ask what might be the way to have the economic capacity to go to the Lyceum a few times a week. Linking the whole with everything and thanks to a great friend you long time no speak, I could realize that anybody are holding the possibility of attending to such appraised value, as the opera or theater ; with only the well-paid study translation and interpretation. And we stress the any thus avoiding any claim elitist policies aligns us with more advanced integrating minorities, especially Roma translators with Tourette syndrome.

Quéeeee "?

Pie in balls

know everyone would defend the right to Harbermas be translated and interpreted by the same guy who doubled to Gorky, and I referring to the Russian writer, but of ... "are not thugs, are my friends, "that certainly by the name of Korki, not to be confused with Porki and his friends also valid transliteration. And all based on the fact that in a meta sense and reference ideal match would always uniquely, this always as Frege - gravest philosopher who does not understand and perhaps because of it flatter. A Habermas If they did, and therefore we are vulnerable to bad influence it can have on the world (which Roma expelled by Sarkozy of France to the same he would have liked to have a king bald.) If we maintain efficiency and resolution with unexposed theory that everyone has legal right to be folded, translated and interpreted under the circumstances, we should defend to the hilt (as Descartes angry) that "we'll say it clear, Roma in particular, are entitled to:
1. Local TV in No (r) m (B) aclla
2. Studies
3. Tourette Syndrome
4. Sarkozy translate and turn in Romany
these four basic and inalienable rights of all people, without which there can be no survival of the species or the reign of conc (p) Ordia, the last speech Sarkozy is the subsequent manner:

                                                         The junk

"I, (padrecico son), Sarcosínne, the Government have called for more ....... jozeéeee zaca the sabot to zolll that azeque !!!!!! ..... ze appropriate, within three markets in the fields eliseoos, the ivacuación of models Kelys priiiiii-í-organisms, which proceed to the other lao riinvío of the border ... .... jaaaai again paaapas home of the payoslimón cough ..... ...... Ramoooooooóon that the booooca tiieneee in a situation ...... had not paid taxes for the position of the market ... Niiiiiñaaaaaaa three five three euros panties panties eight ... "

is the study of that complex syndrome in a French state that deprives the people of basic social security, but we assume that absolutely everything in this life, fits the circumstances of any collective and personal. Just as we claim it and as such the right of Roma to translate in your language to Sarkozy, we claim that the quasi-Pujol obligation is doubled by the man who translates Epi (Sesame Street) and Josu Ternera be interpreted, translated and dubbed by a voice flute eunuch (for example, Francisco Franco).


Vindicated what has kept me busy day, I will deal with possible consequences related to the argument of my theory (which undoubtedly involves to all and not let anything or anyone outside). Our Western minds and pseudoprogres poor can lead us to think that what I advocate is pure, pure, trifle. It is for this very reason that while I have set it for the first time that confident and excited by the visionary and advanced my epiphany, the Delicias has shown me the gastro-etymological sense of "I'm dying with laughter. "mild first felt pain in the jaw and the meninges, horrible pain after small bowel and large stomach. has muted, belching, flatulence and broken (literally). After these initial symptoms, has come running, doing honor our beloved Galiardo, to revere the throne in the supine position and also cephalocaudal: has potado, whiplash and rujado (in this increasing order). has started to dehydrate, to malnourished, have lowered the defenses for losses suffered from herpes and yeast, and dislocated bones have 'own marrow. The Delicias has died.

pray for her.