July 21 a. 356 C a fiery goat herder-turned-arsonist carbonized the majesty of the temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, with the sole purpose of achieving in rectum vias the pantheon of celebrities, fire and cabronerío through. His name has come perturbed to another such absurd conditions such esteemed in academic circles of psychology Herostratus complex disorder, according to the project which seeks to intervene, appear, be distinguished and, ultimately, be the center of attention at all costs.
The current and many classmates are blight and wood EROSTRATO his ardor in the huts that are popular in modern cybernetics attempts. Just walk around terrified Facebook to toe with the fatwas of its users and the cabronerío of the dispute is happening anew: to say that everyone has the biggest pyre and affinity bitch. If fans of the network Bonfires are not just punishment for their impertinence EROSTRATO is simply because the culture of chichinabo assists us no longer builds temples to Diana that can burn with such figures. But not only in the network, also in universities, clubs, places of work - and to societies artisticoteatrofaranduleros-Herostratus evil spreads fast as fire.
At the opposite of this evil act so commonly practiced today is the libido nescire , a passion for anonymity of the Stoics, that in cases-read Salinger-becomes obsession. The afflicted by this passion, unlike the sort of affable arsonists erastróticos already described above, no trace or imprompta crave some on their way through the mundane scenarios. And what kind of living goes without a trace on the soil that is home to demonstrate its elegance, discretion and supremacy over other vegetable kingdom but the kingdom? There are cases, such as Rimbaud, in which after a brief stint in the fires of hell for appearance, one passes to base its existence in excel to focus its future on the run and disguise (even if it means to flee to Abyssinia, arms trafficking and / or move the legs pumpkins cancer).
But back to the topic at hand, the superiority of the plant kingdom of the animal kingdom. To demonstrate this epiphany diamond must necessarily resort to Javi, characterized for the occasion of the late Nick Molisse macaroni, who shows us the truth of his maieutics fixture on a picnic.
-Observe the environment and respond carefully to see.
-...¿ Plants?
- Yes, but what kind of plants?
- Em ... Ferns?
- You are right, but not as important as what you see is what you do not see, and what do you not see fools?
- um .... this ... Dinosaurs?
- There have spoken with wisdom and relevance. Perhaps I should remind you that the extinct dinosaurs were once lively contemporary of ferns, prehistoric, whose presence and quiet work shows the efficacy of the plant''to'': Amparo ever the stoic, almost Buddhist, principle that There is nothing that doing nothing is not settled at all. And now you Armatostenes reflects on the reason for your next promotion and salary increase relevance. Has not been your expertise to make the plant that is sitting in a pedestrian street which marmolillo doing absolutely nothing for years, the reason for the high regard that you enjoy not only among the heroes of the laborious, but also and more important and worthwhile from the side of the sisters and in-laws? Your blessed immobility templa made you part of the scenery pleasant and familiar with the others enjoy. Who could ignore and belittle the harmless innocent who has decided to make the plant? Who does not decorate your life with a plant?
And certainly the visionary badiense reminds us that animals, as people flock to his daily pittance docile and, except for cats, are all usceptibles trainer, able to sell his grandmother for a plate of beans and make the most absurd and improbable stunts for the prize of a touch, while the proud dignity of plants require their food makes them quietly, preferring to die rather than get up and leave your pot in water after which the light is the sole breadwinner for his elegant photosynthesize. I hope that after this post, start to be more common plants and talks triumphal attitudes like:
"" I have raised the salary
- How do you get it?
"I made the plant"
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