; ; "Actimel not produce for other brands "
Today I walked down the street back home after a day that if I had my way we could cross off empty and nonexistent. While waiting for a green traffic light put in, I saw a sticker on the doll of the same color, one that tells us that since no car, if not skip the rules of the road, overwhelm us, run over or crushed under wheels. The oddest thing about this, that in itself has no interest has been the message of the sticker above. Dealt with such limited content so "aquet ad is sexist." No tengo muy claro si me ha hecho gracia o me ha enfadado. El caso es, que tras haber cruzado ya el paso de peatones, he comenzado a divagar. Primero: no se si con la palabra anuncio se referían a una anunciación o a un spot publicitario. Como suelo subestimar (muy a mi pesar) a toda la peña que produce esas pegatinas subvencionadas a base de calimochos, he pensado en lo segundo. Tras eso, y sin darle mayor importancia a la confusión o posible error semántico, se ha abierto en mi mente un abanico de posibilidades más bien acotaditas: ¿A qué se refieren con que el muñequito es sexista? ¿A que lleva pantalón en vez de falda? Ipso facto me he quitado esa idea de la cabeza puesto que I thought that any good feminist who is third, would not like to re-submit to the woman in skirt and pigtails (although in fact many women wearing it, and with women I am referring also to the subset of feminists). I guess then, because I have no other alternative, which is claiming that the doll was made about breast implants, which generated another controversy me mental: Do women differ from men us because we have breasts and they penis ? Do not know if they would agree with this either and, even if it were ... What size would the above implant? If you saliesen green doll tits'd expect they were of a standard size ... But they also do not fight against this use (standard, fascists, we are all different)? would be a 90? If I were a size 90, using a 85 identified not feel the same way they would be identified nor those having a larger size. If the doll's breasts were small green, feminists would hoist the flag of femininity and would remove the breasts to avoid social conformity over extreme thinness of the models or actresses on TV. But if the doll luciese a size 120 also would be a "sexist advertising" in the looks of it, few of us what we look like Pamela Anderson meat. I'm upset ... What should I do to avoid being sexist? Anyway, I've never seen the doll have package. I find it quite androgynous could be done while respecting each complex.
Today I walked down the street back home after a day that if I had my way we could cross off empty and nonexistent. While waiting for a green traffic light put in, I saw a sticker on the doll of the same color, one that tells us that since no car, if not skip the rules of the road, overwhelm us, run over or crushed under wheels. The oddest thing about this, that in itself has no interest has been the message of the sticker above. Dealt with such limited content so "aquet ad is sexist." No tengo muy claro si me ha hecho gracia o me ha enfadado. El caso es, que tras haber cruzado ya el paso de peatones, he comenzado a divagar. Primero: no se si con la palabra anuncio se referían a una anunciación o a un spot publicitario. Como suelo subestimar (muy a mi pesar) a toda la peña que produce esas pegatinas subvencionadas a base de calimochos, he pensado en lo segundo. Tras eso, y sin darle mayor importancia a la confusión o posible error semántico, se ha abierto en mi mente un abanico de posibilidades más bien acotaditas: ¿A qué se refieren con que el muñequito es sexista? ¿A que lleva pantalón en vez de falda? Ipso facto me he quitado esa idea de la cabeza puesto que I thought that any good feminist who is third, would not like to re-submit to the woman in skirt and pigtails (although in fact many women wearing it, and with women I am referring also to the subset of feminists). I guess then, because I have no other alternative, which is claiming that the doll was made about breast implants, which generated another controversy me mental: Do women differ from men us because we have breasts and they penis ? Do not know if they would agree with this either and, even if it were ... What size would the above implant? If you saliesen green doll tits'd expect they were of a standard size ... But they also do not fight against this use (standard, fascists, we are all different)? would be a 90? If I were a size 90, using a 85 identified not feel the same way they would be identified nor those having a larger size. If the doll's breasts were small green, feminists would hoist the flag of femininity and would remove the breasts to avoid social conformity over extreme thinness of the models or actresses on TV. But if the doll luciese a size 120 also would be a "sexist advertising" in the looks of it, few of us what we look like Pamela Anderson meat. I'm upset ... What should I do to avoid being sexist? Anyway, I've never seen the doll have package. I find it quite androgynous could be done while respecting each complex.
But still not even stop. A horde of angry feminists have spoken out against the proposal (obvious and natural) of WHO, it says that breast milk (ie, that women produce during the period of lactation of the baby she has decided to take) is as healthy for the baby. That never any substitute for cow's milk may transmit human defenses the baby, among other things, because cows are cows and humans, human. In a normal world, the female nursing her calf is no longer the thing if more beautiful or more binding, but the most correct action in this way while you are giving life insurance to your samophlange. And here we return to the issue of light doll. If now, for feminists, the breasts are something to keep and no one has the right to bite the nipples unless it is a man with clear ideas on the liberation of women ... are the stuff of the breasts female nature or are just a body of enjoyment? To me, the truth is that I do not care what they say four broody hens that have come together to speak of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy that are being submitted for nothing more, nothing less than the World Health Organization. What I do is ask one thing: themselves, and voluntarily, the tubes are linked in protest. And all fixed.
Very angry,
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