Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Movies Torturing Women

The Battle of Thermopylae ........

LA ......... Battle of Thermopylae Raul

The Greek Herodotus tells the story of three hundred Spartans and seven hundred Thespians defending the pass at Thermopylae against nearly two million Persians.
For centuries this action attracted the admiration of poets and authors highlights the value and the resolution of the Spartans who gave an example of courage in circumstances vastly unfavorable. Today remains a symbol of what can be an army of free men in defense of native soil and those things we believe.
Several centuries later we live a similar experience, the struggle for power takes us back to a similar circumstance, those who throughout the history of the country maintained the supremacy of the people today want the government to move people to maintain their privileges.
are infinitely more powerful, not in number, but in arms. They have the media available, have resources, lack of scruples and are willing to do anything to resubmit to the majority.
Without any hesitation they want to organize no matter the merits or belief. We see Macri Duhalde trying to gather the Radicals, we see that dress in a grotesque parody, certifying a minimum of two by passing it through an "internal."
listen to Patricia Bullrich said that the Alliance, which merged the republic, will have another chance. Witnessing the sad spectacle of an election against the grain of democracy, which still do not know the result of a deception. We see
that army, trying to regroup in a most amorphous and ideas, Pino Solanas pushes to appear in the city in hopes of "stealing" a vote that stand next to power.
Alfonsin was just another parody of the internal one would be tempted by Cobos in a mixed face, they share the betrayal as a way of doing politics, nothing more.
Carrio says no plans to make drug traffickers and corrupt government, Duhalde and Macri look away.
hegemonic media tell us that there is a country, make a tremendous effort to show chaos where there is harmony, while achieving record of patenting and consumption. The majority support a government that interprets the needs and achievements of management shows for the less fortunate.
entrench opponents try anyway no matter what members think that mazacote seeking to gain power. Are powerful, like the Persian army, but despite their apparent strength and superiority will find millions of volunteers with the strength of belief is invincible ....


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