the Hydra of Lerna ......... THIS INJURY Implosion
the Hydra of Lerna THIS WOUND ... ... ... .... Raul
are like the Hydra of Lerna, a kind of serpent with multiple heads, according to mythology, was killed by Hercules.
This was guarding an underwater world, besides being Polycephalic exhaled a poisonous breath. For
These days the opposition received some estiletazos that made roll is wound.
Catamarca where it was first assumed that the victory was assured, to the point that Cobos was present for a celebration that never could achieve. We could say it was a journey "not positive", however not much different her face in a birthday at a wake. Another
sets that he did stumble in Chubut, where the thing was easier, there was talk of twenty or thirty points in favor of the candidate. Were several of the heads of the Hydra: De Narvaez, Sola, Graciela Camano, Das Neves. Strangely AWOL gave the governor-elect.
wallowed squeezed into a mess that made less painful trance, filthy contraption appealed to fraud to avoid final defeat and the shame of travelers who forced a smile for the photo.
heads continue to multiply, each time with less strength but equally as dangerous. The poisonous breath out in words of one of the heads, of multimedia, they can read and hear, are full of hatred and resentment, try to be lethal, but like Hercules have their ears covered, in this case, and do not look at their channels to avoid being poisoned.
province Salta will be another coup, the opposition Polycephalic is hurt and angry, that makes her more aggressive and fear.
Through his encouragement in the form of words trying to detract from a government and a people who expressed belief that the country wants to live.
The Hydra-grouting opposition seeks multiplied together, form a mazacote without ideas and disoriented. It does not matter if apelmasan Peronist radicals or socialists with the right of the PRO, Pino Biondini Carrió or Altamira. They have a goal and survive. They have a purpose and is dragging us into the underworld that we had submerged.
As in mythology will be a heroic attitude and a sound strategy that will overcome the difference is that in this case the people involved to end this thousand-headed monster. Cristina will be who will give the final blow, we will be supporting us, the outcome will be the triumph of belief ... ..
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