Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Many Calories Are In Smithfielfs

White and cylinder

"Among the killed and she died alone"

If the illustrious Mr. Gianni Vattimo thinks that we have lost the notion of Actually, it sounds good, we all know that there are as many opinions that ass (the truth is that I think this is not entirely true, since 6,697,254,041 opinions can have sex, I would say, one person as the subject of which we speak). For him it is imperative bad loss, I suppose, by the amount of unknown possibilities that open meeting of this statement so revolutionary, but I love Italian philosopher to ask if he really knows how to use an iPod or gives the wii . As I do not expect an answer, I give to myself, no, Gianni does not deal with these aparatejos. The death of God was the first major death in the history of philosophy, following it, have fallen one after another in history, art ... and now I guess also the reality. Only deduce one thing from this: philosophers are murderers in the pay of the illustrious philosophical notions long established. What bothers us anything? Well we killed him.
would have no problem in killing certain disciplines that exist in the faculties of Philosophy and, meeting no more than smoke. But as there is if it comes before the chicken or the egg, I have my doubts about whether to kill the disciplines themselves, or those who teach. Because if God is dead, "What's all that stuff of metaphysics and finding the first principle of all things? It is clear that what I discuss here is just what many others already have said, for example, that if a philosophical discipline such as philosophy of mind does not maintain a relationship with neuroscience interdisciplinarity and anthropology, all we get from all this black smoke and polluted.

not advocate anything. Every time I have less say about the huge amount of things that happen in the world. Our mind is not prepared to go to a company that goes faster than it. I guess for those versed in the subject would be even unnecessary to say that this problem lies in the super-to which we have had to be productive and effective. And here is where the kill: Philosophy does not specialize in absolutely none of the things of this world. It's like a Christ on the Cross warning that the world is not of this world and being así...¿Para qué quiero yo saber nada acerca de algo que no es real? Efectivamente, Señor Gianni: hemos perdido la noción de realidad porque nos hemos alejado de las cosas que nos vienen dadas, que nos rodean, que nos facilitan o que nos complican la vida. Métase a Second Life y hágase un avatar a su medida, como más le guste. Pero deje de esconderse tras el velo de la ignorancia y de leer textos de otros autores para generar otros textos. Hace tiempo ya le pillamos el truco, Sr. Filosofastro del tres al cuarto: el único mérito que tienen sus obras son los títulos, a los que algunos tachan de provocativos. Lo que hay dentro de ellos es infumable hasta en papel de biblia. ¿Que no cree en la biblia? Ni lo se ni me among other things matter because my fierce criticism, although that is directed to you, is directed toward many other leeches, many other parasites of dusty books who believe that get a verse of Parmenides colacción light on the poor will minds of those who have not yet practiced sapere aude. Let nonsense and watch the news, come to the asylums into metallurgy, sailing the seas, a walk to the park closer to home ... whatever, but I ask you please just human love, which never explained to a beggar of those who sleep late in the CCCB (in case you do not know, is a super museum progress of Barcelona) that we lost track of reality.
I suggest also that occasional chat with a child or two or three, draw with them, allowing them to be told how to see the world. Only in this way will we stop listening to nonsense.

Very angry,

The Deli

How To Make My Hair Less Poofy Guy

; ; "Actimel not produce for other brands "

Today I walked down the street back home after a day that if I had my way we could cross off empty and nonexistent. While waiting for a green traffic light put in, I saw a sticker on the doll of the same color, one that tells us that since no car, if not skip the rules of the road, overwhelm us, run over or crushed under wheels. The oddest thing about this, that in itself has no interest has been the message of the sticker above. Dealt with such limited content so "aquet ad is sexist." No tengo muy claro si me ha hecho gracia o me ha enfadado. El caso es, que tras haber cruzado ya el paso de peatones, he comenzado a divagar. Primero: no se si con la palabra anuncio se referían a una anunciación o a un spot publicitario. Como suelo subestimar (muy a mi pesar) a toda la peña que produce esas pegatinas subvencionadas a base de calimochos, he pensado en lo segundo. Tras eso, y sin darle mayor importancia a la confusión o posible error semántico, se ha abierto en mi mente un abanico de posibilidades más bien acotaditas: ¿A qué se refieren con que el muñequito es sexista? ¿A que lleva pantalón en vez de falda? Ipso facto me he quitado esa idea de la cabeza puesto que I thought that any good feminist who is third, would not like to re-submit to the woman in skirt and pigtails (although in fact many women wearing it, and with women I am referring also to the subset of feminists). I guess then, because I have no other alternative, which is claiming that the doll was made about breast implants, which generated another controversy me mental: Do women differ from men us because we have breasts and they penis ? Do not know if they would agree with this either and, even if it were ... What size would the above implant? If you saliesen green doll tits'd expect they were of a standard size ... But they also do not fight against this use (standard, fascists, we are all different)? would be a 90? If I were a size 90, using a 85 identified not feel the same way they would be identified nor those having a larger size. If the doll's breasts were small green, feminists would hoist the flag of femininity and would remove the breasts to avoid social conformity over extreme thinness of the models or actresses on TV. But if the doll luciese a size 120 also would be a "sexist advertising" in the looks of it, few of us what we look like Pamela Anderson meat. I'm upset ... What should I do to avoid being sexist? Anyway, I've never seen the doll have package. I find it quite androgynous could be done while respecting each complex.
But still not even stop. A horde of angry feminists have spoken out against the proposal (obvious and natural) of WHO, it says that breast milk (ie, that women produce during the period of lactation of the baby she has decided to take) is as healthy for the baby. That never any substitute for cow's milk may transmit human defenses the baby, among other things, because cows are cows and humans, human. In a normal world, the female nursing her calf is no longer the thing if more beautiful or more binding, but the most correct action in this way while you are giving life insurance to your samophlange. And here we return to the issue of light doll. If now, for feminists, the breasts are something to keep and no one has the right to bite the nipples unless it is a man with clear ideas on the liberation of women ... are the stuff of the breasts female nature or are just a body of enjoyment? To me, the truth is that I do not care what they say four broody hens that have come together to speak of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy that are being submitted for nothing more, nothing less than the World Health Organization. What I do is ask one thing: themselves, and voluntarily, the tubes are linked in protest. And all fixed.

Very angry,

The Del

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Logitech Webcam Positioning

In this day has been sent to the media the following statement:
La's board ESA wants to make known their views on the proposals, which are gradually becoming known, Estepona People's Party ahead of the upcoming elections.

What you really need the small and medium business customers Estepona are .

will be very well increase the safety and cleanliness, to beautify the Mall Open, to improve accessibility to the implant center that once and for all the services directive from the EC to avoid paying entrepreneurs open rates and unfair change of ownership they are paying now; but really, what is needed in Estepona, is an influx of people, a goal that would be met from the session working on projects that will attract more people to live permanently in our area and promoting tourism off-season with other offers different the sun and the beach, typical of summer.
With regard to the maintenance of the companies we already have and with the objective of fostering job creation and prevent the closure, no would be more than the council, not just freeze the fees currently imposed on traders, if not to revise downward the Business Tax or Property Tax currently well above what is paid in many the larger cities of Spain and provided enhanced the various delegations of the funds needed cash so that they could buy and pay within a reasonable time in Estepona companies.
also wise to thoroughly review and improve municipal legislation on issues such as the occupation of public roads and recreational activities on the streets of our town, legislation in many sometimes prevents local businesses make efforts to increase the number of people in their environment, activities, moreover, promote and organize the City Council.
We have many years demanding the establishment of hotels in the city center, hotels of 3 or 4 stars, those visitors staying dedicated to walking in the environment and to consume and buy in small downtown businesses. In this regard, the proposal to create a green lung in the grounds of the Agricultural Cooperative does not seem a sensible proposal to achieve this goal, we think it right nor to promote the creation of a shopping center size projected the only thing that is going to get downtown shopping desertification, as has been seen to have led to other similar shopping centers nearby. Yes it would be wise, however, promote the creation of a leisure center with variety and quality, smaller size and located in the town.