Iberian slang is determined by the amenities and abundance of offensive vocabulary and the bravery and resiliency of its substance. Castilian insult is direct, frank, bold and fast scorn, and we lavish instruments attempts to start the arduous task of portraying with maximum accuracy and integrity of our beloved bad Habermas, excusable rascal, muse of this beautiful composition that you musiquéis to offer to your will and in moments of despair entonéis or joy.
O thou ...
're a putiliendre asnejón
of fools,
a Masturzo gaznápiro
Bucephalus ordeal.
A mangurrián peinaovejas,
an impotent porn star,
the apprentice tontivano
of Adorno.
You yaro and tuercebotas,
fuñique and ragamuffin,
drone ere associated muscles,
mamacallos and lazy.
What pavisoso saramugo!
putarra What Bucephalus!
What tontucia of the jimbo!
what your Panarra Aboba!
you donkey without dressing,
Tramoyeres and boquicerdo,
fool you expert
and dull.
're evil and adverse
rival thinker,
you fool hardened
and enemy of this blog.
Pavis and panjandrum,
culín bites pillows,
xilophagous sword swallower
of Cain.
What pavisoso saramugo!
putarra What Bucephalus!
What tontucia of the jimbo!
what your Panarra Aboba!
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