. Special program
response to consultation,
Dear, first of all, my sincere apologies for the inactivity, various tasks occupy most of my time, I settle with you. the following month, which is why I failed to answer all questions in writing, making it as far as possible by phone. As soon
and to a recent query:
assembly agreements are valid only if they were held according to law, or lease personal summons via certified letter, minimum time in advance and finally the respective quorums for decision of the corresponding decisions, if it were not so they can go to court local police to request the annulment of the assembly (Article 33 of the Act) and consequentially the annulment of the agreement there, things should go back to before the meeting and proceed according to standard making decisions.
If any of these agreements determine additional charges or penalties and interest, we will have must be at the validity or otherwise of that assembly, then should be aware, as I mentioned in a previous artuculo that the maximum interest allowed by law for common expenses Paying the conventional maximum (possible to obtain in lhttp: / / www.svs.cl / site / index.php), if the interest is the greater, the agreement shall be to simply limit set by that and no more.
If the administration wishes to be enforced to the collection, despite the illegality of the support that covers the action in the sense of having been illegally constituted meeting agreed, not having the appropriate authorization or include charges excessive and this happens in the meantime the local police action in the solution is to present title except for ineptitude that is the basis for executive action, to which I refer to the simple fact that the instrument permitting enforcement action should contain all the information required by the common spending bill signed by the administrator, ie administration appointed under the law, or charges under the legal limit, in summary, if the administration was elected at a meeting no, bad might be legitimate the act of an administration that does not enjoy good health legal, service suffers from his appointment by both his subsequent act, all while not remedied. I hope something
clarify the question received. Until the next
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Will Aeron Chair Fit In My Car
Spanish Insults Notes on Lucia Joyce
Iberian slang is determined by the amenities and abundance of offensive vocabulary and the bravery and resiliency of its substance. Castilian insult is direct, frank, bold and fast scorn, and we lavish instruments attempts to start the arduous task of portraying with maximum accuracy and integrity of our beloved bad Habermas, excusable rascal, muse of this beautiful composition that you musiquéis to offer to your will and in moments of despair entonéis or joy.
're a putiliendre asnejón bobalía
A mangurrián peinaovejas, viceberzas
You yaro and tuercebotas,
you donkey without dressing, catechumen excised
Iberian slang is determined by the amenities and abundance of offensive vocabulary and the bravery and resiliency of its substance. Castilian insult is direct, frank, bold and fast scorn, and we lavish instruments attempts to start the arduous task of portraying with maximum accuracy and integrity of our beloved bad Habermas, excusable rascal, muse of this beautiful composition that you musiquéis to offer to your will and in moments of despair entonéis or joy.
O thou ...
're a putiliendre asnejón
of fools,
a Masturzo gaznápiro
Bucephalus ordeal.
A mangurrián peinaovejas,
an impotent porn star,
the apprentice tontivano
of Adorno.
You yaro and tuercebotas,
fuñique and ragamuffin,
drone ere associated muscles,
mamacallos and lazy.
What pavisoso saramugo!
putarra What Bucephalus!
What tontucia of the jimbo!
what your Panarra Aboba!
you donkey without dressing,
Tramoyeres and boquicerdo,
fool you expert
and dull.
're evil and adverse
rival thinker,
you fool hardened
and enemy of this blog.
Pavis and panjandrum,
culín bites pillows,
xilophagous sword swallower
of Cain.
What pavisoso saramugo!
putarra What Bucephalus!
What tontucia of the jimbo!
what your Panarra Aboba!
Leave comments and add
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tampons Extra Absorbent
In this day has been sent to the media the following statement:
The Estepona business association wishes to express its commitment to the proposal of Councillor Lina Rivas regarding the establishment of a panel comprising representatives of all political and social forces of Estepona in the search for short-term solutions to economic problems neighbors have suffered both as entrepreneurs and merchants of our town and lowering the tax burden which the City is subject to all of us. Also
want to show our support for the demonstration called by the Platform Neighborhood in protest against rising property tax this year and, in general, against the general increase in taxes that we have been suffering all in the past years and, in particular, companies must also pay for their premises and activities tax, despite having proposed review from our organization on several occasions, it remains a tax abusive and disproportionate to the level our customers' every year more and more low.
If our government team is on this line will soon find that no residents or companies in Estepona which may continue to endure these burdens.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Cover Letter Clothing Store Examples
Signed partnership agreement with ESA Estepona Town Hall
On Tuesday, July 6, was signed in Málaga agreement cooperation signed by the Association of the City of Estepona. This agreement aims to strengthen and consolidate the so-called Open Mall The Paseíllo in the historic center of our town, comprising over 450 shops and businesses. Draft The Paseíllo started in 2003 by ESA with financial aid from the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía. During all these years, the ESA has done all possible activities at the shopping promotion, advertising, business information and customer loyalty and, by the City, have made the necessary investments to refurbish the streets infrastructurally Terrace, Manchester and Charity.
By signing this agreement, who have signed the Presidents of the Federation of Commerce of Malaga (FECOMA) and the Employers Confederation of Commerce Andalusia (ECSC), is to create a working group comprising representatives of the four parties to allow the flow of communication and consensual activities that tend to encourage and promote trade in our old town , for which the collaboration of traders and neighbors, will be essential.

On Tuesday, July 6, was signed in Málaga agreement cooperation signed by the Association of the City of Estepona. This agreement aims to strengthen and consolidate the so-called Open Mall The Paseíllo in the historic center of our town, comprising over 450 shops and businesses. Draft The Paseíllo started in 2003 by ESA with financial aid from the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía. During all these years, the ESA has done all possible activities at the shopping promotion, advertising, business information and customer loyalty and, by the City, have made the necessary investments to refurbish the streets infrastructurally Terrace, Manchester and Charity.
By signing this agreement, who have signed the Presidents of the Federation of Commerce of Malaga (FECOMA) and the Employers Confederation of Commerce Andalusia (ECSC), is to create a working group comprising representatives of the four parties to allow the flow of communication and consensual activities that tend to encourage and promote trade in our old town , for which the collaboration of traders and neighbors, will be essential.
Cute Sayings Candy Student
comes into force Delinquency Act, which reduces the payment terms of business and government increases VAT
article appeared on elEconomista.es the 07/07/2010
becomes effective today, Wednesday Delinquency Act, which sets maximum terms of 60 days for payments companies to their suppliers and 30 days for public administrations, with a period of adaptation in both cases that will last until 2013. The rule, published today in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) requires the Government to articulate through the Official Credit Institute (ICO) direct credit line aimed at municipalities with so they can pay their debts to companies and freelancers.
article appeared on elEconomista.es the 07/07/2010
becomes effective today, Wednesday Delinquency Act, which sets maximum terms of 60 days for payments companies to their suppliers and 30 days for public administrations, with a period of adaptation in both cases that will last until 2013. The rule, published today in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) requires the Government to articulate through the Official Credit Institute (ICO) direct credit line aimed at municipalities with so they can pay their debts to companies and freelancers.
also eliminates the possibility that companies negotiate payment terms longer than those fixed by law. The transitional period to reduce their government extends term limit until 2013, with a scale of 50 days for this year, 50 in 2011, 45 in 2012 and 30 days since January 1, 2013
My Baby Checks Got Red For No Reason Why
Establishment occurs when you finish the job ...
paid will be refunded at the time ... If the good was delivered before July, there is rising ...
article appeared in Sur.es the July 5, 2010
M. ANGELS GONZALEZ maguisado@diariosur.es The tax is set at the time of delivery ...
paid will be refunded at the time ...
Foreign travel is not more expensive ...
The date of delivery of the vehicle is the key ...
two types can be applied in the same operation ...
Read more
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Vocabulary Answers To Level C Unit 8
I'm too lazy to write, but still gives me more lazy to explain what I write. Given the numerous requests for me to explain a little, I set out to explain the first paragraph of the letter yesterday. If you do not have enough and I alfabetizais jodeis! That is the shame of saying I speak without saying anything, and nothing makes sense??
1. "Christian bastard Lucia"
Lucía Joyce nació como hija bastarda y hasta alcanzada ya la mayoría de edad no supo que sus padres no estaban casados. No había sido por tanto cristianizada tras su nacimiento. El impacto de la noticia en la psique de Lucía fue tal que Joyce y Nora tuvieron que casarse inmediatamente para dar reparación a la afrenta cometida. Utilizo cristianada por ser la negación-deformación de cristianizada que contiene la palabra nada, que es lo que significó Lucía para todos, menos para mi (que la amo en la distancia). Cristianada se podría leer también Cristi a nada, osease a nada de Cristo, es decir, casi Cristo, pues por lo que sabemos también Cristo was a bastard (Was there marriage between Mary and God?) joined together in holiness and terrigenous via crucis with Lucia.
2. "In the Eye of the Padrón obfuscations"
So entered in the Register by civil ceremony. Register obfuscation is typical of an institution dedicated to enroll, register, denote, designate and avert what is indesign and immeasurable (as in the case of humans) with a joint sad Sound called name, which will have to answer for life and not just end up shaping your personality but it becomes your identity. Also, here is the superlativizado Padrón Father. The eye obfuscations James Joyce, father of Lucia, refer to progressive blindness. Blindness in a human sense and in a literal sense. Joyce was the fear of transmitting their lack of vision to their children, so called Lucia, so the name became a sort of talisman of light that move away the darkness of the eyes of her firstborn. Blindness in the human sense refers to the inability of Joyce to alight from their principles, hobbies, trickery or anti-Catholic bigotry characteristic of all ex-Jesuit, even to the entreaties of his close.
Before making bastards refuse to marry their children, Joyce had refused to pray for his dying mother before the desperate pleas of this. Even the iconoclastic anticlerical censored Joyce always such a lack of humanity (or vision of humanity) and the same Joyce was visited by the ghost of his sad mother on numerous occasions and remembered the sad event all his life with regret and guilt .
3. "Rebabatizada Asombrosalviaje"
Twice Joyce intervened in the appointment of his daughter. He chose his name and his nickname. The first time was guided by his fantasies and superstitions, the second by a desire to alter reality by linguistic games of which escaped even his own daughter. Did not have enough to decide his name once in response to their fears and superstitions, but had to give a second name: Amazing Wilde.
The Amazing Wild Castilian translation also contains a hidden paradógijos myriads of ways. I take the liberty of altering the English version of his name and designation Asombrosalviaje. In Asombrosalviaje find amazing wild as it was known at the Joyce family, and wild amazement that surprisingly fits the clinical description of manic-hebephrenic, it goes through phases of severe depression, catatonic (and you know the face of astonishment of the catatonic ... open mouth, eyes lost in the endless .. etc) and manic phases characterized by shares tips and wild. In Asombrosalviaje also find amazing journey, which is the best way to describe the journey into the depths of the mind of Lucia. The most surprising thing is that we find a cryptogram Also do: ambrosia or vejal.
not too surprising appearance of the name of the food of the gods of Olympus, expected thing while making the gods is eternal language, knowledge transfer their stocks and this was also the food of polígota Lucia. What thrill is that we vejal refers to one song that fits so well with Lucia Joyce.
"the brain and iron are based on your belly vejal, blind go unarmed shield our hearts will know defeat."
rebabatizada Lo is just wordplay joyciano to drool and baptism. In baptism, water as an element of purification and life named head wet as wet with drool joyce testa Lucia incestuous. Baba literally and figuratively. If the slime is a secretion of the language, so is the language somewhat, and consequently the ideas and even more ideas about language. So we are dealing with an incestuous father, kissing and a little slimy secretions also screwing noumenal of his tongue on the head of his daughter. ... Some say that James Joyce was so fascinated by lucia Lucia as the father, considered it a real shining light and kept encrypted communication with her in a secret language of multiple reads like what you read in the Finnegan's wake. Lucia was apparently overcome by own father in the domain of this secret language, but with a high personal cost: hebephrenia. When James Joyce told Jung that Lucia was able to get beyond what he was capable, Jung said: yes, except that in those waters in which you swim, it sinks.
I mention this later in "wherever she wins him nothing in brackish, as Jung asks." So Lucy was rebabatizada twice, she was given twice and in two ways a fictitious identity created by the fable of the father.
4. "On the affinity between the thimble and flatosa Estevanus hedge flower"
Estevanus is a deformation of Stephan Dedalus, the protagonist of the portrait of artist as a young (alter ego of James Joyce) and hedge Flower is the name used to refer to james joyce nora barnacle. Lo flatosa what I add reference to those letters racy between the two in which Joyce, something coprophagous, mentions the delight of sound that are for farts that nora released during fornication. It seems that for every envestida Bardo, she let out a short fart sound. Thus the relationship between the parents are largely due to the torment of Lucia, who attached himself to Samuel Beckett Lucy never able to develop his own life story as part of a much better story itself: the legendary story of James Joyce and Nora Barnacle.
5. "Barnacle Joyce was born cross-eyed"
Lucia certainly was not born blind, but cross-eyed. Your inferiority complex strabismus will greatly troubled life his psyche and his ability to relate. The drama of squint is not simpel the aesthetic, not to tell when you talk to us a squint, often do not receive their interperlaciones response. The squint is not aware that the cause of our silence to him is the lack of empathy we feel at one with which it is visually impossible to cross his eyes, so that it becomes sensitive, introverted and self-absorbed, if not depression and schizoid.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Motorcycle Walkie Talkie
Lucia Joyce: The Artist's me!
C ristianada Lucia bastardy by the obfuscations of the Register and rebabatizada eye Asombrosalviaje affinity between the thimble of Estevanus and flower flatosa hedge Barnacle Joyce was born cross-eyed ... Love Patris, objective, subjective genitive ...
Lucia must have been really amazing by pandering to fear that it was dull Joyce voyeur and wild it is anyone who dance -dimensional, but the pseudonym Asombrosalviaje , with which his father gave him, also contains a nostalgic remembrance of travel sea of \u200b\u200bsalt , cryptogram arcane Ambroso also refers to the shadowy delicacy of the Olympic Gods. And here one imagines Joyce nurturing their offspring with the nectar that has robbed the eternal conspicuous, to seize upon the language and splitting the brain, brain, refund of Babel. Babel-Babet -Baptiste ... osease, baptized Babatizar-Babytizar ... ... Hebifrenia Habemus hubris: Disease teenager, perhaps the Babyzación of a soul. Porting of the artist as a young man, as a young dog. Actually the artist is the teen Asombrosalviaje, not boastful architect Jesuit casuistry blasphemous and bigoted father ... ... more Faustian than faunal ... and architect Linguere. Look! The Walrus.
- The walrus? Seal?
- No, the wall rush.
- as then? John Lennon referred to Joyce and not Carroll?
"Sure, there are also seals screaming GOO GOO joycianas G'JOOB, brown seals that fall from the walls ... the gold rush-rush-the wall walrus ... the gold rush fever of the wall, seal fever.
-Oh ya! seal brown Malachi Mulligan ... fat ... Yes, we're singing.
When Lennon sang, all together always sounded all to get there-all to get dark . Something like ... the whole world turns blind-the whole world becomes dark, which is what happens when Finnegan wall falls and dies by drinking, before being raised when given a drink, and on this wall find the point of convergence of the parallel eye of strabismic Lucia, which is where it intersects the perception and awareness -. The Finnegan's Wake is both wake and awake, is both funeral and wake. Finnegan dies and awakens the consciousness of the cosmos in its first day. The cosmos awake from the nightmare of history. Bob Dylan understands what he's talking Lennon and sends a message encrypted with Ballad of a tin man, but John does not stop with the song ... but you did not read Finnegan's? ... Just above ... I just ... well below below.
When Lennon sang, all together always sounded all to get there-all to get dark . Something like ... the whole world turns blind-the whole world becomes dark, which is what happens when Finnegan wall falls and dies by drinking, before being raised when given a drink, and on this wall find the point of convergence of the parallel eye of strabismic Lucia, which is where it intersects the perception and awareness -. The Finnegan's Wake is both wake and awake, is both funeral and wake. Finnegan dies and awakens the consciousness of the cosmos in its first day. The cosmos awake from the nightmare of history. Bob Dylan understands what he's talking Lennon and sends a message encrypted with Ballad of a tin man, but John does not stop with the song ... but you did not read Finnegan's? ... Just above ... I just ... well below below.
Lucia Joyce is because of three quarks for Muster Mark ? or is it the Three quark for Mister Mark ? Tree perhaps quark for Montse Mark ? or maybe the Joan of Arc Three Must quack for arch erm ... referring to a character who always tries not to be seen or known, perhaps not to be the rioveidele of incomprehension, the riverrruns vico acomodicio . It is this difficulty: the plethora of profusion and the teaching of crumbling, convince and uneasy ... or kill. It's like asking a haircut really just entertain you with the broken mirror of a servant, a good image of Irish art ... and why his works are comedies comodità comic-cosmic-bevel and readers vectors are -sectors, actors while critics citrus-Christic-cryptic ... and the writer become expectant audience -expectorant-expurgante ... Is this the great literary revolution Joyce. They say they laughed at his jokes to go on seeing developed flatulence comedy critics, dilettantes and pedantic. He himself was a pedant, in ways meditabajo cabizabundo and rectum: the straight path ... by way of the rectum.
In any case, it was the Holy Spirit who dictated the Finnegan's Wake by Lucia, but where it ends in anything she brackish, as Jung asks. It is the playfulness of Lucia and not James pen who frees the cognitive assessment. So Lucy screams "I am the artist." Clear that it admitted to a psychiatric Beckett saying that the contest is dead, but rather than later butterflies in stomachs of others ... at least when he crossed the border, he was not alone.
I am not saying this because the advent hebephrenia Lucia Nijinsky remind me, not because the choreography imagine a tense of these other two-dimensional, but because I know that was the email of spellings tight Bardo sent to James. Well ... crap not invited to the party What party? ... The organizing this!
To desencasillarme had experienced in their own flesh the drama of Lucia. And the father of the royal beating. After this adventure I ask myself what happened that bears no blame? I note that the whole thing has been evacuated, the body is like a paring, it feels like falling shell. What Host tells us this scene? We have witnessed a singular mass where the bread of life is sacred and is transubstantiation. The ordinary is the Homeric material and time, rhythm and flow of a day where life is concentrated restatement. Indicates not only what you ask but that you ask, the join of the synthesis ... scissors! That is the vision that ineluctablementa the modality of the visible ... and cause of the precipitous Finnegan dethroned from the stubborn wall that justifinculca in public one on one with no response ... and that one day you too can start the phone from the wall and scream Strabismus: The I am an artist!
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