Friday, September 4, 2009

Is It Ok For My Dog To Hump Me

Cleft lip, tongue forked

Act One:
A German author futile before palmar, published an epitome of no interest destined to go unnoticed by the Teutonic libraries before descatalogación immediate. A curious fact makes all the media attention focused on the infumable composition, a very famous intellectual has filed a lawsuit against the author and publisher, and calls for removing a particular paragraph of the book in which, as him, he refers directly and gossip.
A German court fails immediately in favor of the aforementioned and the publisher Rowohlt requires the immediate removal of that paragraph, under threat of a fine of 250 thousand euros.
Act II:
Event a journalist is interested in the case and decides to investigate the cause of the speed at the pronouncement of the court and the contents of the controversial paragraph. To his surprise he discovers that the paragraph did not mention anyone in particular.
"... in fact, one of the most famous intellectuals of the country was a convinced Nazi who wanted to win de Adolf Hitler y anhelaba la cacareada victoria final”
Acto tercero
La editorial anuncia que recurrirá la sentencia, porque "no se cita en ningún momento el nombre del aludido denunciante. El contenido del párrafo es, además, únicamente una mención anecdótica de un hecho ya pasado". Se inicia una polémica en los medios de comunicación sobre el asunto. El denunciante, que es realmente considerado uno de los intelectuales alemanes más importantes vivos, nunca ha tenido sobre si la sospecha del filonazismo, porque se siente aludido entonces? La polémica se torna en chascarrillo jocoso sobre la vanidad del denunciante. Viñetas Newspaper portray him raising his hand when asked to a huge audience for the country's largest intellectual. The complainant is justified as follows:
- "The accusation is false. My physical defect, a cleft lip, making it impossible for me to identify with the Nazi ideology"
The editorial Strikes and presents the following information.
cleft lip, the complainant was 14 when he sent a letter to his friend, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, in a statement on the letterhead of the Hitler Youth, where he extolled the course of war and admired the progress troops of the dictator. "himself Hans-Ulrich Wehler, a close friend of exnazi confirmed the news and that at a party coinciding with the complainant, and enraged by the slights to which he had submitted the intellectual conceit, he showed the letter written decades ago and said''this,''remember?
Seeing the letter, Hogan intellectual committed to democratic change of face, trembling, twitches and jumps on the role that cat before the astonished gaze the partygoers. His cleft lip does not prevent him literally eat the paper. partygoers confirm the veracity of this event.
The forger putecio lip cleft philosophical indefatigable preacher, writes an embarrassing statement that speaks of youth ... the difficulty of choice ... the confusion at that age, etc etc ... how long ago did also once owned by Gunter Grass SS. Curious
the cleft-lip-Nazi has had its fair scorn on this blog before knowing their hypocrisy, deceit, duplicity, and lip palate. Yes, folks, we're talking about the infamous xilofágogo Habermas.


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