still debated
if it was a strange distortion in a metatarsal or just a divine gift that enabled that Vaslav Nijinsky to the most spectacular falls and effects it has seen the dance in its long history. Of all perpetrated by Nijinsky jumps against the gravitational force would be necessary to highlight four:
First jump:
Nijinsky is still a child. His father launches into a well to learn to swim. Nijinsky is sinking and desperately slow, until completely submerged, their feet touch the bottom of the well paved. It strongly encourages and lifts him leaving prodigious leap and well water. He has failed to tame the fluid but the air element powers.
Second jump:
curtain opens, plays the piano with Debussy transparent notes Rilke speaks of The Specter of the Rose . Nijinsky comes into the picture giving a breathtaking leap to the public. Entrechat just won the longest royal history (which could jump across the feet in the air up to ten times falling after an unusually slow). "When I dance I forget that the jump is not natural in man," says Leon Werth.

third jump (the jump that it was not)
May 29, 1912, the Châtelet Theatre curtain rises before an electrified audience to view beautiful scenery of Leon Bakst -a-tree-lined lake en el medio del cual evoluciona Nijinski con su malla cubierta de animalescos manchones, y las ninfas vestidas con túnicas plisadas, pelucas doradas y pies desnudos. Todos esperan asistir a un nuevo recital de saltos y prodigiosas piruetas de Nijinsky. Pero para “la Siesta del Fauno” nijinsky ha preparado una coreografía particular: se desplaza en una única di9mensión, pegado al suelo, a pie chato, posando primero el talón y terminando el movimiento en los dedos, en total oposición a las reglas clásicas enseñadas hasta entonces. El cuerpo de frente al público, la cabeza y los miembros de perfil, los brazos mantenidos en posiciones angulares diversas. Movimientos espasmódicos, crispantes...ha born contemporary dance and, as usually happens, the magician has invented the repository of all the secrets and techniques of classical ballet.
Fourth jump:
The emergence of a new dancer Nijinsky retired evokes an advertising campaign encourages something sordid. The dancer, his manager and a photographer come to the psychiatric in which it is entered Nijinsky. We are in 1939. Nijinsky has lost all reason: just eat, not talking, spent 20 years without dance, staring .... His body lies twisted and aged in a chair while the dancer takes a few jumps and runs his repertoire of antics. The photos collected at the two dancers, the owner is already written: the new and old dance, or tquizá 'the new Nijinsky. " The photographer change the reel. You are about to make new pictures and discovered that no one in the chair occupied Nijinsky. Everyone in the room are astonished: the elderly are suspended in air spend a few seconds and starts to descend slowly, so slowly that the photographer has time to fire the camera before it reaches the ground.
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