Galiardo meditates on the third deposition
Not long ago, listened to the exalted Lord Galiardo guess about the best way to avoid fecal impaction and chronic constipation. He claimed that since he understood that he was only a cog in the great cause-effect enter the world, the universe and all its components thus had been left behind "in the past that he has never been better - to some minds violators called psychologists. The disaffection with his ego, which occurred by then, was on a purely physical that had nothing to do with psychological therapy and neural adjustments: the calm brought by the great understanding he sought the supernatural and the sublime pleasure of staying up late to the rate of three bowel movements per day before the Roca Victoria reverential throne.
translate: Pounds of tyranny that is the self to self and the ego or personality to the other, the gallant Galiardo began to purify water and fertilize the fields in harmony ... we feel that its absolute understanding of the world is dominated opened one eye that never sees the theater or (if) g (u) ine.
as great actor he is, says the speech in the theater is what defines good character. I've never seen Galiardo act because the moment the theater is too expensive for the lumpen-proletariat, but I know for a fact that this man brings to life characters with only unexpected supply the voice, which is why I have I begun to ask what might be the way to have the economic capacity to go to the Lyceum a few times a week. Linking the whole with everything and thanks to a great friend you long time no speak, I could realize that anybody are holding the possibility of attending to such appraised value, as the opera or theater ; with only the well-paid study translation and interpretation. And we stress the any thus avoiding any claim elitist policies aligns us with more advanced integrating minorities, especially Roma translators with Tourette syndrome.
Pie in balls
know everyone would defend the right to Harbermas be translated and interpreted by the same guy who doubled to Gorky, and I referring to the Russian writer, but of ... "are not thugs, are my friends, "that certainly by the name of Korki, not to be confused with Porki and his friends also valid transliteration. And all based on the fact that in a meta sense and reference ideal match would always uniquely, this always as Frege - gravest philosopher who does not understand and perhaps because of it flatter. A Habermas If they did, and therefore we are vulnerable to bad influence it can have on the world (which Roma expelled by Sarkozy of France to the same he would have liked to have a king bald.) If we maintain efficiency and resolution with unexposed theory that everyone has legal right to be folded, translated and interpreted under the circumstances, we should defend to the hilt (as Descartes angry) that "we'll say it clear, Roma in particular, are entitled to:
1. Local TV in No (r) m (B) aclla
2. Studies
3. Tourette Syndrome
4. Sarkozy translate and turn in Romany
these four basic and inalienable rights of all people, without which there can be no survival of the species or the reign of conc (p) Ordia, the last speech Sarkozy is the subsequent manner:
these four basic and inalienable rights of all people, without which there can be no survival of the species or the reign of conc (p) Ordia, the last speech Sarkozy is the subsequent manner:
The junk
"I, (padrecico son), Sarcosínne, the Government have called for more ....... jozeéeee zaca the sabot to zolll that azeque !!!!!! ..... ze appropriate, within three markets in the fields eliseoos, the ivacuación of models Kelys priiiiii-í-organisms, which proceed to the other lao riinvío of the border ... .... jaaaai again paaapas home of the payoslimón cough ..... ...... Ramoooooooóon that the booooca tiieneee in a situation ...... had not paid taxes for the position of the market ... Niiiiiñaaaaaaa three five three euros panties panties eight ... "
is the study of that complex syndrome in a French state that deprives the people of basic social security, but we assume that absolutely everything in this life, fits the circumstances of any collective and personal. Just as we claim it and as such the right of Roma to translate in your language to Sarkozy, we claim that the quasi-Pujol obligation is doubled by the man who translates Epi (Sesame Street) and Josu Ternera be interpreted, translated and dubbed by a voice flute eunuch (for example, Francisco Franco).
sirex Vindicated what has kept me busy day, I will deal with possible consequences related to the argument of my theory (which undoubtedly involves to all and not let anything or anyone outside). Our Western minds and pseudoprogres poor can lead us to think that what I advocate is pure, pure, trifle. It is for this very reason that while I have set it for the first time that confident and excited by the visionary and advanced my epiphany, the Delicias has shown me the gastro-etymological sense of "I'm dying with laughter. "mild first felt pain in the jaw and the meninges, horrible pain after small bowel and large stomach. has muted, belching, flatulence and broken (literally). After these initial symptoms, has come running, doing honor our beloved Galiardo, to revere the throne in the supine position and also cephalocaudal: has potado, whiplash and rujado (in this increasing order). has started to dehydrate, to malnourished, have lowered the defenses for losses suffered from herpes and yeast, and dislocated bones have 'own marrow. The Delicias has died.
pray for her.